Biish be stealin muh colorz.
lol Camofo, the king of cones, great job. i saw that on your fileshare and though it was hilarious. i though some otheres were funnier though.
lol. Here is my attempt at making a screenshot with a cone.. "I <3 Icecream!" Click picture to go to FAIL LOL
Wow this is kind of sad. Only 4 submissions. E93 Im going to get some more people to start posting here. I will do my best without advertising. I might even make a picture.
I think there are less submitions for this thread just because the old one had a more unique theme, this one is fun, i thought atleast, but the other was the 1st of its kind
Yeah, I know... I'm pretty upset about it too, but there's not much I can do. I already have a sig for it, that you can even click for people that are too lazy to look for the thread. And who ever goes into the Screenshot's Discussion board? Barely anyone. Some newer members go to the regular Screenshots' board, but never this one. And most of the older members, ''cept the few that we see in these competitions, never even go into the Halo parts of the board anymore.' I wish we were featured, at least once in the first page. That'd be awesome, because not only for that competition would we have more people, but people would actually find out that this competition exists, and sign up for the next ones. I guess they don't feel like doing that. Yeah... I thought this theme was pretty cool too, not as cool as last time's though. It's really up to you guys too now, because since I made the Suggestion thread, you post what you want to see happen later in another competition. I can't take all of the suggestions, mainly because some are just really hard to get screeshots of though. Like, for example someone just suggested Recon Pics. I think not even 1 in every 5 people have played with and taken picture of someone that had recon. I rather you didn't, but go ahead. You know that you can submit a title and a 10-word max caption with it, right?