Naaa. I would say that somewhere in the infiniteness of space there has to be other living forms either microscopic or macrocosmic. Lol that makes me sound smart!
well, now that this is on page 1, i must say, the Question is not that they dont exist, but are there visiting us, beacause if you think about we likely havnt even seen a percentage of the universe, so it would be stupid to say they dont exist.
Dude! you stole my video! ;D I posted that on the hub ages ago. But yeah. I don't think we're alone either. The universe is so god damn big, chances are there is other life out there.
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone inthe universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." -Arthur C. Clarke. The discovery of fossilized worm-like structures in a piece of martian rock has riveted international attention on the red Planet... "Today Rock 84001 speaks of the possibility of life..." -Visions, Dr. Michio Kaku. Out of the billions of stars just in our own milky way galaxy the probability of planets with the right conditions to start life are in the thousands. So I believe there is life out there. They could either be microbial life just starting out. Or they could have faced some kind of disaster and destroyed themselves with nuclear weapons. Now with the trillions of galaxies in the entire universe there would be even more probabilities of planets that could sustain life. But they too have to overcome the same difficulties we do, and that's attempting to make it from a class 0 civilization to a class 1, the most dangerous but most important step any sentient species can make. Bibliology; "Visions", Dr Michio Kaku.
In my opinion, it's foolish to believe we're alone in the unknown vastness of the universe. Just doesn't make sense.
We are not alone in my opinion, the Roswell incident actually happened in 1947 in New Mexico, some people say they they did see small green men being taken away and being brought to the secret Area 51 where experiments are being done, others say that Area 51 is a giant underground city where Humans and Extra Terrastrials work together to build giant ships and learn about they're worlds. Search it on Youtibe is all I can say, me and my uncle done it before and we found some creepy **** on it. Also, there was those lights flying above Arizona in the USA so maybe we are'nt alone, maybe they jusy want to get along with us but the government does'nt want green and gray men running around the Earth....? I'm not too sure but if your asking me, yes, I do believe in life on other planets, there could be life on the planets that we have'nt explored yet that maybe are hiding under or behind a rock? :S If I ever seen an alien that did'nt look friendly, I'd kill the thing for sure, they want war, we'll give to em.' Lol. also, with all the Galaxies in the Universe and it expanding every second, there is'nt a chance were alone in the Universe, it's just too big, And BTW, I remember back in Summer I think it was, scientists found a new planet called Tamen (Weird name, I know) and there was water and grassland on the planet, it's only a little bit bigger than the Earth and there could be life or we could maybe go and live there one day.... I also remember that we did find faces on Mars and there was a video on Youtube about the species of Aliens (If we seen an Alien, it would think that were an Alien to that) 2 species live on Earth staying Malevolent and 11 species have visited Earth in the past 50 years or so. The 2 living on the Earth at the moment are the Grays (Small and gray people who have egg shaped heads remaining Malevolent) and I can't remember the other type of species living on the planet. Some scientists believe there is an InterGalactic court full of species who live in the far places of the Universe and are trying to welcome us into it by sending us signs and signals (Crop circles, lights in the sky and sculptures formed on other planets and the Earth too) so it is quite strange how they wish to contact us, maybe one day we will manage to contact them and reply back to their messages and we can combine technologys (They're technology is far more adavanced than ours, says some scientists) and we can live in Peace with the other species and hope to explore other planets like they explore ours.
There is absolutely no way we are alone, its just too much space for us to be all alone. There has to be some form of life beyond what we can see, it could be so small we dont even see it, or very immense but its just too far for us to see. People are always going to debate this, i htink there has to be another form of intelligent life in our universe.
We can only hope, but here is something Humans never look at. What if it turns out we are the aliens blowing up other planets. Oooo burn BITCHZ Sadly we all here at Forgehub will most likely be dead by the time humans find life outside this solar system. Science News / Nearby Star System Looks A Little Like Home,2933,443887,00.html
No way are we alone. Their have been cave paintings of aircraft thousands of years ago. How do you explain crop circles. Yes the government knows but im glad they havnt realesed anything cause i know we have technology hundreds of years in advance. And that is very comforting plus check this out Crop Circles
Actually dude, They have the more advanced technology by thousands of years ahead of us. They can go straight into light speed and go back in time. If they wanted to go to war with us, they would probably win, I only hope that if there is life outside of our Solar System, they will come in peace, if not: *We Are ****ED* The government does know but they don't want the citizens to know because if they do, the whole planet will be chaotic and everyone will be screaming "The aliens are here!!" and the government will be to blame, that's why pretty much everything we find that does'nt look Human will be taken off us. Taken to Area 51 for examination and ask the hostige aliens what it is, Scientists belive that other races have the power to use telepathy. (Read our minds, lift objects up without thouching them ect.)People would be taking up arms against any that did'nt look human. So the government does know but they denie every question of Extra Terrastrial life.
I would take this in a simple, astronomical approach. Our planet, Earth, revolves around the Sun. Our sun is one of around 100 billion other stars that revolve together within our galaxy. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of at least 100 billion galaxies. Even if you said that these #s were false, our solar system is still hugely minimal in comparison to the universe. So, yes, I do believe that life could potentially exist on other planets.
i do beleive in Aliens, the have even been reports made by soldiers and guards that wroked on secret facilities sayung that they have seen very advanced things and UFOS inside the base, this reports have appeared on the TV news. Guess wat, the soldiers were all arrested for unknown reasons and are supposedly in military prisons
So, I think that we are not alone. The universe is so big that it is impossible to explain. But I also NOT believe that UFOs fly over the earth. That would be... senseless. They know about us, although they would live VERY far away, and do not even try to talk to us? Nah....