Smash Bros Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by szafranko, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    ALRIGHT i wanna say this is my idear so no one take it just wanna make sure that when i release no one else alrdy made same thing adn now ima copier ok so no one else take my idea

    Also i alrdy have The Battle area of the maps Already made, i jsut need some help on Characters so HELP! lol

    Ok so i need some help on character building...
    heres wat i got so far

    Bowser: flamethrower
    this makes him slow and goes by his main B attack in the smashbro's series.. Fire..

    Pikachu: Beam Rifle, Plasma Gren, Power Drain
    Ok this was a pain, but i went by colour schemes kinda and pikachu was usaully cheap soo i got kinda thunder looking ideas, Beam righfull being shock, powerdrain being thunder and dunno waht plasma represents lol

    Mario: bruteshot, Fire Grens
    Ok Fire grens represent Fireball aand bruteshot also kinda goes by the fireball looking idea

    Luigi: Frag,Spike,Flame, SMG
    Welll this one ... i just thought that this needed luigi... so i did my best u got flame grens to represent fireball.. aand frag to represent that explosive attack that he dus UP+B in Smashbro's... Spike represents his torpedo thing and i guess.... coins poping out? lol i donno bout him what u guys think?

    Link: energy Sword, Frags
    Sword obviously and frags to represent bombs

    ( DEBATEING ) King dedede: Grav Hammer
    Reason why im debating is because maybe i could scratch him and make grav hammer repsawn as a power weapon like in smashbros which rapes everyone!

    Fox: Plasma Rifle, Bubble sheild
    Well plasma rifle to represent the his pistol in game and shield = sheild

    Sonic: Custom power up = speed, Shottie
    Kinda cheap but at same time will have trouble staying on map because of speed

    Thats alllllll i got so far, SOO if anyone can help maybe give me more character ideas, Or editing The characters i alrdy have Just Give me a heads up...

    * REMEMBER * i tried my best to resemble the smashbro's game, and i want you guys to remember that if/when helping THANKS A BUNCH!
  2. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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  3. ArTuZo27

    ArTuZo27 Ancient
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    looks good, but i think it was done b4
  4. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    serious?... probly wasnt that good..
  5. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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  6. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    hmm well thats super smash spartans this is bros... lol more characters map changes over time..
    and dif characters.. with diffrent abilities and yeah... still his was good
  7. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I kind of like your character ideas, although they may need better refining when the full game comes out and we can actually play as them.
  8. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Alot of the character set up here is really unblanced. How is fox (with a plasma rifle) going to stand a chance with sonic and his speed + shotgun!? Try using a more powerful weapon or replace fox with samus and use a metroid type of weapon such as the sentinel beam or spartan laser w/trip mine. Other characters are too overpower while others are not powered enough.

    I think that you should not have weapons like the "debating gravity hammer" spawn during the match because it will require you to have weapon pickup on which will screw over your classes. The classes need alot of work but I like where you are going. I am glad that this isnt just a copy of me and CHUCKS "Hierarch crown".

    Some other suggestions that I have is to make as many characters as you can. If you have enough originality to do so. You will eventially run out of weapons to give to players for balance. For example, only 1 character could have the sword so you might have to reconsider the others.

    Also, with Bowser and his flamethrower, how is he going to pick the flamethrower back up if he accidently drops it? I am assuming that weapon pickup will be turned off however but in my mind that is the only way that you can accomplish this task or else the players will cheat by picking up the other characters weapons. Try giving bowser oversheild or something to make him more of a threat out in the field rather than a slow moving target. Maybe an alternate weapon such as the Bruteshot or Rocket launcher would be nice.

    Once you get the characters rolling the map should be pretty easy, also, do not say you are the first to do this SSB idea on any of the forums because there have been many maps based upon this concept. If you do you will get flamed upon fairly quickly lol. I look forward to seeing your map when it is done. Good luck!

  9. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    wow thanks for the feed back, i'd say samus tho is most set up by the actual game spartan laser u have to charge and in ssmb u have to chage samus's gun, but fox yes i agree with you on that, sentil beam and possibly some speed also scince he's always been sumwhat fast in the game.

    Bowser i cant give oversheild cuz everyone will have overshieild... x 4 to give the appearance as if your weakin them down as if playing SSMB so i dont think i can do that unless along with the oversheildx4 i also give him one at his spawn...

    And other than just telling me i need to balance weapons could you give me more advice other then just telling me ... because i've thought these up a long time doing my best...

    And yeah i alrdy have maps made, i've made recreation of the maps frum the first SSMB on the N64, Well all of them except a mushroom kingdom and starfox's ship they still need work...

    Thx for the comment -Szafranko
  10. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    As you know already, maxwell360 and I made an ssb concept and overall succeeded. was it perfect? no, but it was quite a success.

    Your biggest challenge will be character selection. With the amount of characters you're planning on making it will be tough to eliminate honor rules in the character selection process(that was the most painful part of mine). Another issue you may have is getting the characters to feel and look like the ssb characters you want them to be. Maps can still be fun with honor rules but a lot frown upon them.

    I'm quite excited to see it when it's done, it better be good :squirrel_wink:
    good luck to you.
  11. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    with the time im spending on it i hope it's good but tahts y i made this threat cuz i need help with characters
  12. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Why don't you two team up for a sequel?
    Just playing matchmapmaker here.
  13. xSpartansWrathx

    xSpartansWrathx Ancient
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    lol I like the idea, can't wait to see the final product
  14. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Alright I will give you my suggestions for weapons (seeing as you are only giving each character 1 weapon) I underlined what I changed.

    Bowser: flamethrower, Firebomb grenades (incase he drops his weapon)
    this makes him slow and goes by his main B attack in the smashbro's series.. Fire..

    Pikachu: Beam Rifle, Plasma Gren, Power Drain
    Ok this was a pain, but i went by colour schemes kinda and pikachu was usaully cheap soo i got kinda thunder looking ideas, Beam righfull being shock, powerdrain being thunder and dunno waht plasma represents lol

    Mario: Bruteshot, Fire Grens
    Ok Fire grens represent Fireball aand bruteshot also kinda goes by the fireball looking idea

    Luigi: Frag,Spike,Flame, Mauler (more power?)
    Welll this one ... i just thought that this needed luigi... so i did my best u got flame grens to represent fireball.. aand frag to represent that explosive attack that he dus UP+B in Smashbro's... Spike represents his torpedo thing and i guess.... coins poping out? lol i donno bout him what u guys think?

    Link: Energy Sword, Frags, deployable cover (sheild)
    Sword obviously and frags to represent bombs

    King dedede: Grav Hammer
    Reason why im debating is because maybe i could scratch him and make grav hammer repsawn as a power weapon like in smashbros which rapes everyone!

    Fox: Carbine, Bubble sheild
    Well the carbine is meant to represent his pistol in game and shield but does not look "exactly like it" but nobody else has a mid-range weapon like this and he needed more power, bubble sheild= sheild

    Sonic: Custom power up = speed, Shottie
    Kinda cheap but at same time will have trouble staying on map because of speed
    You are going to need the custom powerups for the players when they choose classes.

    NEW CHARACTERS (My ideas)

    Samus:Spartan Laser or Sentinel Beam, trip mine
    Seeing how in Metroid, they use laser weapons.

    Sheik:Spiker/needler, flare, plasma grenades
    Spiker/needler represents (needle storm), flare represents smoke and plasmas are somewhat deku seed like.

    Kirby: Custom powerup= weapon pickup
    This simulates kirby being able to copy oppenents classes.
    You are going to need the custom powerups for the players when they choose classes.

    Not perfect but it is more balanced than before. However, it is going to be tested... I hope.
  15. xSpartansWrathx

    xSpartansWrathx Ancient
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    I'll be happy to test when you need it
  16. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Actually, if all the starting points are off of a cliff or the players all die at the very start and then spawn in the class selection room you can use respawn traits to allow the players to pick up weapons and use the custom powerup for whatever
  17. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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