Debate Sex Education Class

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheDarkKnight05, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Should it be required for every student to take?
    Should it be required to have in school?

    In my opinion, I think It should. I have seen a lot of schools that dont offer it.

  2. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    We're required to take Health as a Sophomore, and Sex Ed is a part of that. That's how it should be.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Sex ed is very important, its going to be kindof embarrassing for a guy to get naked with a girl and go: "ok, well what do i do now????"
    no but seriously, we need to know that stuff, and a lot of times the parents aren't in a comfortable enough relationship with their children to even say the word sex around them
  4. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    You made me Lol. I don't think it's THATTT important. I mean, cmon, even without sex ed, what kind of guy wouldn't know what to do? You stick it in her and pee. LOL. (South park reference FTW).
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    you know why we should have it? cause when i was in school a few years ago, we took a pop quiz on the anatomy of the female. I got 100%. Every girl in the class failed. One even said the Vas Deferens led to the uterus.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Lawl fail.

    It should be required just like every other required class you take in school. It's just stuff you should know in order to rely on yourself later in life instead of going to google for your questions. This being said, my teacher was very attractive.
  7. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    ^^^ lol I think it is necessary. you need to know this stuff before you get out of school and if they don't teach it in school, someone will find out but it will be in the wrong context.
  8. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I think it is appropriate because if we don't learn about the female and if they don't learn about us, how are we/they suppose to know to have a kid (or Breeding as some people call it) and if we don't learn about it now, how do we know how to stick it in when we get to that point? That's why we have this thing we call "School" and "Dads" to tell us about them. Duh! I did'nt expect to see a thread about this, I already know about it and so does mostly every kid I know aged 7+. o_O I called my teacher a gay ****** who sucks his moms **** just a few days ago so he obviously knows that I know about it. Also, a girl in my class called Amy went to The Mall and seen a teacher out of my school and Amy was with her friends, they were all shouting out to her "Will you suck my ****!?!?!?!" Lol. She got into **** the next day in school. :( Yeah, We learn about it in 6th class in Ireland (I'm in 6th class) and that's when we get it, I'll probably get 100% in the test like TheSilenceBroken. ^_^ Lol again. It's called: The Sex Education Programme. :) Lawl, Norlinsky, there's this new teacher in my school and I want to ride her like hell. :D She's got beautiful long Blond hair and blue eyes. She is Epic Win!! ^_^ She probably gives nice BlowJobs too. :D
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    They should teach sex ed like in Ireland and to show how they do it even further, they teach it to you for the next 3 years after 6th class but is broken down further genetics, puberty etc.

    That said, only sex ed should be taught like in Ireland. Other then that, education over there is badly done.
    /mini rant.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    It should first be in the hands of the parents to discuss sex with their children. They (should) know how and when to explain this difficult topic to their own child. An implemented program in the classroom could hardly substitute for a parent's "speech."

    I believe that manditorily enacting this would take the weight off of the people who should be responsible in the first place. At the same time, kids don't need to be ignorant of sex, for I fear that they would go looking in the wrong places for answers, and end up with a lot of regret. I'm all for a form of sex-ed, but maybe with an emphasis on the "ASK YOUR PARENTS FOR DETAILS" part.
  11. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Yes that's a very good Idea!!! That way we don't have to tell all the sexy wimmenz what to do at that point. :D That's why we have to learn about what the females do at the points of sexy time!! Lol
  12. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    Now you stay in this closet and watch what I do to your mother now, ya hear?
  13. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Epic win.

    Anyways, ill let you see my opinion through a story. About my sex ed class.

    Basically, its like the first health class, except they call it the "Growth and Development lesson." Basically, all the 5th grade guys go in one room,all the 5th grade girls in another, and a guy counselor explains to the guys and a girl counselor explains to the girls what sex is and how puberty works.

    I like the idea of the "ask your parents" for more details part. It wouldve made it better.
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The **** is a Vas Deferens?

    All I need to know is how to stick my **** into the holiest of holes.
  15. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Sex-ed class was required at my school. Although, to make it less noticeable, it was an overall health class with it mixed in. We talked about getting enough vitamins, keeping a healthy weight, etc, and while in the middle of the year we had a week to learn sex-ed. It's important to know sexual safety, and besides, parents can be stupid and try to sue the school for not teaching their child about sex. I mean seriously, people will sue about anything now a days. I would also prefer to learn how not to get herpes or aids. Gah, I'm so glad all of my girlfriends were clean before anything.
  16. Mr. Whitestain83

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    It should be required, many teenagers are ignorant about what they can do and what they cant do, and the dangers of STD's as well as pregnancy.

    Some of it should be up to the parents though.
  17. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    The parents are the people who are usually against that stuff. I mean, I was having sex when I was 15 and my parents didn't know and they didn't talk to me about any of that (thankfully I paid attention in class). The parents should be able to excuse their child out of the class if they believe their child isn't ready, but I don't think they have the right to tell the school to stop teaching that subject all together. Anyways, most parents don't talk about that type of stuff with their child, especially with the girls.
  18. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    Thats true, because im 15 and i started having sex when i was fourteen.
    My parents haven't said a word to me, occasionally i get don't have sex but oh well.
    I know about everything and how to have safe sex, because of my Sex Ed. class.
  19. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    ya if you ever have a time when your about to do it and ya dont know what do? Yes thats what sex ed is for. And no this has not happend to me
  20. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Same thing at my school but it does not help.

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