
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Keep worrying. The gameplay is not very good.
    Picceta, this map could have been balanced a lot more evenly. It looks like it wasn't tested at all, or if it was, nothing was fixed.
  2. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks everyone, and it was tested, if the teams are even, then it plays well. I made several adjustments until I was happy with it, swapped weapons/spawns a lot. Put flag home/away spawn areas, I went into detail, remember it's not meant for FFA.

    Meant to play like Highground. Remember the attackers also have a Mongoose to help them get up the hill quicker, it's very much do-able. Plus using the Active camo that they have.

    Anymore comments welcome :]
  3. ShaggyxChipmunk

    ShaggyxChipmunk Ancient
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    should definently get featured
    epic geomergingusing that same concept, try to make a map almost like a dam with the attackers at the top
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Yeah, we did have even teams. It was me, Insane54, and Darktiest versus Lol Zombie, Klink258, and Roche178. It really wasn't that good. And some of the spawns were very bad. The hill people were spawning on the floor and vice versa.
  5. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Try 1 Flag CTF. That works best. Sorry to hear that it's not working out for your games, but I did do a lot of tests so I can't explain it.

    I set them to what works for my games, how I always set them. It's hard to know what will make them work between all gametypes :(
  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Once again good job dude. 117 downloads already! WOW! All your maps are very creative with super interlocked walls and floors and this map has it too. Is KOTH the best gametype here? Just PM me. Hope to see another map soon!

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks really well built. i am impressed with all the time you must have put into it. i dont think i have the patience to do that. the gameplay looks ok though. im not sure how you can improve it but i see you got some real skill. 4/5 for me
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    ::Unofficial Review::

    Although this review is unofficial, I do mean all of it.
    I will be fair with this review, unlike the last time. I
    hope you dont hold anything against me for this review
    because I am purely speaking truth. I tested this map
    with the following people.

    Me(Preakie aka OtherDark aka EGS Berserk aka
    TheDarkestVoid aka AssasinasinJasn aka
    cheez 4 me aka UEG Chromatica)

    Onto my review...

    Aesthetics blew me away on this map. They
    were equivalent to your other maps but I do
    think a change in layout wouldnt have hurt.
    I especially like the way you interlocked the
    hill to the high ground of the defender's base.
    You interlocked the map so that it had a
    good flow to it and it was rather clean also.
    The way you built aesthetics though affected
    the maps gameplay a lot however.
    Score: 8.2/10

    The layout is completely different from the
    aesthetics. I just want to get it clear that the
    layout to a map has more to do with gameplay
    then aesthetics although they all relate to each
    other rather well. Now onto your layout (weapons,
    geometry, spawns). The geometry of the map did
    not favor your gameplay at all. The defender's
    start off at a high hill that overlooks the base
    of your whole map. This includes the attacker's
    spawn. When you created that so called "balcony,"
    you made it so high that attackers spawning at
    their base could easily be camped with a BR. This
    causes a lot of long ranged spawnkilling which
    could be nothing but bad for gameplay. Also, Roche
    was able to camp our main attacker's starting point
    with assasinations in abbundance.
    Score: 6.6/10

    Gameplay was once again, definately not my favorite
    part of this creation. Roche, again, got a s**tload
    of assasinations on our attackers spawn point. I think
    that you should have redone the spawn on the
    defender's turret. The one on the hill is the one i'm
    referring to. It was always the main wepon to take
    control of and if us attackers didnt get it and rip it
    off, then the defenders would easily be able to f*ck
    us with the long **** of Tantela. It spawns extremely
    fast for a turret is what I'm basically trying to say.
    Spawns on the defender's side were extremely off.
    They would always spawn behind us after the
    attacker's finally got up on the hill. Us being the
    attackers if I havent made that clear to you all yet.
    Score: err...4.8/10

    I think that overall, you really need to do a v2 on
    this map. You have a great aesthetic balance in the
    map, but so much that it affects gameplay and takes
    it in the wrong direction. I see that you have a
    good amount of time on your hands to do this so I
    do believe that doing a v2 wont take you that much
    longer. Gameplay was pretty bad. I think the whole
    party would back me up on this one. No offense meant.
    The layout was bad on my end but I think the whole
    party liked the layout because they dont really get that
    a layout of the map is its overall design. Which
    includes the height of hills/walls/ramps, placement of
    structures and so on. But if you think about it, a map
    is only as good as its gameplay.
    Total Score: 6.4

    Nothing against you Picceta. I have appologized for my past actions. But that doesnt mean I didnt mean every part of my past review. This map is no better than the other but I do like your map concepts a lot. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE REVIEW, It took me a whole 22minutes to write!!
  9. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, another beautiful map by picceta. you have a lot of forge skill and it is apparent in all your maps. i took a forge thru to your map. ummmm.....yea, the map is even better looking but i'm not sure how gameplay would work out smoothly. i mean, it's just one daunting hill looming over the entire map. perhaps there could be more than just one steep ramp leading up. i mean i like your ideas, they just don't work out well enough.

    anyways, you're still an amazing forger and the best at geomerging.
  10. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for the comments, sorry if anyone had problems with the map but I can't see what I could change to make it better, I've already realized that I'll never get a feature no matter how good I make my maps so I've given up hope on that, some higher ups must not like me.

    But I'm going to try and get another map done, I have one in mind that I hope everyone will like, just wondering if I have enough pieces or not..
  11. BlackHawkO3

    BlackHawkO3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Basically the best forged map ive seen so far, the gameplay is amazing, no matter what type, and the map looks like it actually took time and skill to make. Excellent job i give it 5 out of 5 stars.
  12. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome you finally made another awesomly cool megadeth bad ass super oober map, and if the mods ask me why, there the coolest, and i love them.
  13. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG, you have out done youself, with this extremely impresive map (well id say this is double feature compared to my ****-maps) and for only 5 days to! Every thing is presise and neat. Are you taking any design courses, because you have an extreme ability to forge and design maps that take my breath away, I mean it is working with 3D objects so it could count for a geometry course ( kidding about this), anyways overall extremely legit map. 11/10.


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