Yeah.... Pics came out small. My Fileshare:
Pretty cool map but one problem I saw an XBOX 360 in the bungie forums and I downloaded it and it was the exact same thing created by WoolyDireWolf. So was it you him who created it or was it you?
Ha, why would that be cool... I think he has worse than the red rings... the box is blowing up! I hope that isn't a realistic picture... Anyways, nice idea, though from the pics it doesn't look like you interlocked the objects, it could make the map look alot better. Nice concept though, if you let people go inside it, make them be able to go in the disc drive.
Dude you could make a PS3 next to it and have console wars. (make sure to slant it so X-Box always wins
Oh and give the xbox 360 a spartan laser by the green ring. And make the PS3 have a plasma pistol (pos)... he he he
it would be great if you could somehow make the map always cause disc read errors whenever someone tried to load it up.
This could be a very nice April Fool's Day prank. Set it up so you spawn facing a partway open disk tray, but no way to get there, then have stairs appear to the tray...only to have it open fully and 3 red signs appear in the dreaded position. Then have a message written in weps off to one side: "That is your xbox" Seriously good idea.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Well, you can go inside and I did inter lock things. I interlocked the power button and I don't know if you can see it but I also interlocked two doors to make the disc drive. :squirrel_wink:
Great Idea! I can't believe no one ever though of this before. But do you think you could maybe make the pics bigger? I can barely see any detail. I'm really likin the console wars idea, i would definitely DL that.
yeah you could put the PS3 and X-box on their sides and have the interworkings be the fighting ground you could even through in a Wii because no one cares about it (fire bombs going off inside an xbox... so thats why mine always frys!)