thnk you but yeah his contest is pretty cool im still pretty steamed that he would do such a thing *sobs* but whatever. oh and i need a couple more judges but only for the infection maps. the aesthetic maps will be judged by the me and deathtoll
dun wurry its gun be k I will help judge, if you need me. "If you need me, call me, no matter where you are, not matter how far! Ain't no mountain high enough..."
Can I post the same map I posted in that contest as well? It's my newest baby so I wanna see how it holds up to others.
Hey this contest sounds really fun. I might participate in it i don't know yet but first i have to get my current project done then ill start this one. And good luck to all other contest entries!
wow i like this this sounds fun and i think ill try out for this but i wont use foundry this time like i always do... (i use last resort a lot of the time to) Death Square and Gametype, Uploaded.
Just found this today and already started on a map, dont know if I can finish it in time. Its more of a minigame map. Spawn in a room with two choices, one hall is death, other is the right choice(Sort of). The hallway is laced with a truck trap; touching a certain part of the hall causes a truck to fly at your teammates. I also have a propane tank, dart shooting, wall thing and a pit climb and am thinking of new ideas. You play the map with other people(More fun if you keep adding new players) and try and make it to the end, everyone is on the same team.
Testing is going on tonight so please do not post more maps as they will only be overlooked. final ratings will be posted asap.
Get a mod to lock the submission thread, and edit the post saying "submission thread now closed, no more entries will be accepted."