Competition is over - Go to the voting thread, and cast your vote. Expect Competition 3 soon. Screenshot Competition 2 Well, welcome to the second Screenshot Competition! You may have seen the last competition's pictures, and the winning picture. Chief wiggum 00 (now Chief wiggums) won with his hilarious screenshot. Check out the Winners Thread to see last competition's winner, and in the future, the next winners. Here is the screenshot: This competition's theme, is to take a cool/funny/awesome/whatever picture of cones. So just go on Matchmaking, or Custom Games, or Forge, or whatever it is, and if you find something with cones that looks cool, or funny, or whatever, post it up. Rules: You can only have one screenshot entered at a time. If you enter one, and then later wish to remove it, to trade it for some other one, I can do that for you. Just let me know. Try not making the picture offensive in any way. I don't want any pics that involves anything that people might find offensive. The Screenshot must be yours, and to prove it, I need you to give me a link to your file share with the screenshot when you enter it. If you don't, your entry will not be valid until you do so. [*] You may enter a Title with your screenshot, if you wish, or a 10 word (max) description of the picture, if you wish. The competiton will be starting today, Monday, October 27th, and will be over Monday, November 17th. The Prize has somewhat improved from last time's. It will be no longer a lame userbar. I'll make myself a better sig, to show off to other people. Don't expect it to be really really good. It's just to show that you won the competition. If you're only in this for the prize, might as well just leave, because it won't be much. Again, if these competitions evolve quickly, maybe the prize will be something you'll really want to get. The judging system, as you may have noticed, is now gone. Turns out it didn't work out how I planned it to, so we'll just be having polls. And by the way, you can thank Halostriker214 for the awesome idea. If you too, have an idea for the next screenshot competitions, please, post it up in the Suggestions Thread So, go ahead, and go take that screenshot! ------------- Screenshots entered so far: CaMOfo link Chief wiggums link ''They Never Saw it Coming'' Look at the Top Left Hand Corner The Official Y35 link ''WTF m8'' Biish be stealin muh colorz. KJI Myztic link "I <3 Icecream!"
I love this thing, and i have a few ideas in mind for cones that i may go use, nice idea, and i hope more people enter this time.
What?! Are you serious?! Lmao I started the cone thing, Halostriker got it off of me. lol. E93 look at my fileshare and you can pick some examples.
I know he did, I just thought it was a great, hilarious idea. I just can't wait to see what you people will come up with. Btw, CaMoFo, one pic only...=[ Link to fileshare?
I got featured on ForgeHub Favorites twice because of these. lul =] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share EDIT: Judging like you said is now going to be through polls. Might not work. I'm pretty sure you can only have up to 10 options in polls, and what if there is more then 10 entries?
ahh i got an amazing idea, just gotta come up with a way to do it... hmmm ill get on it as soon as i get home
Dude, those are amazing. I bet you're going to have a hard time figuring out which one to enter. lawl At least it's a good problem to have, huh? Don't worry about that. I got it figured out. I was aware of that, and it's unfortunate I can't do more than 10. Fortunately, last time, we had exactly 10, so I could make a poll. This time, it will be a poll, but not a poll. Like you'll have to post your vote. Like in the SOTW. That is, if we do get more than 10 entries. Which I really hope we do.
Your welcome for the idea. This gonna be a great one. As long as it isnt only camofo posting in it. Lol.
What exactly is that supposed to be CaMoFo? By the way, some new rules about to be edited into the first post.
His is supposed to be a high school aged cone going to his locker and seeing the jock cones beating up his cone buddy. I think it's pretty good. Hard to beat. I'll probably enter when I get my new Halo disc.
im working on mine this very second, gonna post it in a little while, cant wait to pwn all you guys again lol
Oh, I get it now! Haha! Alright, I just made a sig for this competition, similar to the one I made for the first one. Just edited some things, here and there. If you want to put it in your sig, here's the code. Just copy paste it right into your sig. No need to remove anything. I don't know why I'm posting this though...: [noparse][/noparse]
ok here mine is: They never saw it coming heres the link If you dont get it, look in the top left hand corner
Nope, I decided to eliminate that. Didn't work out, because, mainly, it ended up a three-way tie, and I needed more votes. Read the first post, I put some stuff in about that.
What exactly do you need help on? After you take your screenshot, just upload it to your File Share on halo, then on, save it, host it somewhere, and post it here. Then just pass me the link to your file share, just so I know you're not bs-ing me.