
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Story:
    Human rebels forces attempted to pass through this area but met heavy Covenant resistance.


    {Recommended Players 2-8}
    *Not Designed For FFA*

    Map Description:

    An a-symmetrical map designed for team based games. Stable hills, the main building, cover to pass through the middle. All gametypes work.

    The Aim:
    To create a map that played like Highground/My previous map Downfall. It's meant to be played on team gametypes, i.e. 1 Side CTF works well. Not designed for FFA, but it does work just about ok. Just don't complain about that.

    Battle Rifle x6
    Assault Rifle x4
    Sniper Rifle x1 (180 Respawn, 1 Spare Clip)
    SMG x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Needler x2
    Brute Shot x1
    Covenant Carbine x3
    Mauler x2
    Rocket Launcher x1 (180 Respawn, 0 Spare Clips)
    Plasma Turret x1
    Spike Grenade x8
    Bubble Shield x1
    Regenerator x1
    Power Drainer x1
    Mongoose x1
    Active Camo x1 (180 Respawn)
    Custom Powerup x1 (Portal Receiver Node Activation)



    Attackers Base

    Defenders Base

    With a Rocket

    Main Hill


    Extra Screenshots:
    Inside Hill Bunker
    Inside Defenders Base
    The Original Design


    How long did this take you to make?
    I started it on Friday, so that's about 5 days in total. 5 solid days straight however.

    I don't like the weapon layout, change it?
    Bare in mind that it's designed for offensive vs defensive gametypes, like Highground gives the attackers more weapons to force their way to the other base, trust me you need it.

    Are you going to release an MLG version of this map?
    Never, it wouldn't be the style that MLG players enjoy, plus I hate MLG with a strong passion. The players are such jerks.. lol

    Do you actually design your maps first? Or do you just start building from whatever ideas pop into your head?
    I design every map first, every map you see from me had a original sketch design. Tantela Design. Not all that much has changed, the hill wasn't quite as long as I wanted, and I could have done with a few more pieces to get the look I wanted but it still turned out roughly how I planned.

    Is this map escapable?
    Yet again, someone has always beaten me with this but you won't get out alive this time, seriously try it.

    Do you plan on making more maps?
    Not for a while, unfortunately with university work I haven't got much free time, I just made this because I have a week off and had been bursting to make another map lol.

    Can you help me with my map? Please? It's gonna be amazing!
    No I can't, so please leave me alone and stop asking! I'll help with small things but I'm not joining your party and geo-merging/merging things for you. There are tutorials, I'm really busy at the moment so I can't be much help for a while.


    ~Comment back, I hope you like it.~

    My Other Maps:
    Haven V2 - 600 + DOWNLOADS
    Anilec - 600 + DOWNLOADS
    Ambushed - 800 + DOWNLOADS
    Reach 101 - 15000+ DOWNLOADS
    Sereny - 3500+ DOWNLOADS
    Downfall - 1000+ DOWNLOADS
    Derivation - 900+ DOWNLOADS

    #1 Picceta, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  2. Monsta Masha

    Monsta Masha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow Picceta. This map is amazing. When we were playing on it earlier, I thought that the interlocking and geo-merging was amazing.

    Well, I didn't get to play a full match on the map, but we did do a bit of 1v1. Personally, I don't think that the map is cut out for 1v1, but bigger parties. I can definitely see the resemblance in gameplay to High Ground.

    As I said earlier, the interlocking and geo-merging is fabulously done and I can see why it took you 5 straight days to complete it. I never felt any lumps or bumps on the surfaces and the little nooks and crannys that you have put in really add to the map.

    This map is a brilliantly forged map, which I would recomend to anybody who likes teams of about 3-4.

    Rating (out of 10)

    I hope this helps feedback-wise!

    Monsta Masha
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wow, another epic map from Picceta. I can't wait to check this out. I'll edit this with a review at some point.
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    **** dude this looks like it took a grand amount of skill to create. I don't even have any constructive criticism to give you because this map is so epic. Geez it only took you 5 days to make this? Wow!!! That's good.

    Where does the teleporter lead to. Sorry if I missed it.
  5. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks a lot guys :]

    @darkmaster949: It leads up top, if you look on the last screenshot you can see the custom powerup, which moves the crate blocking the receiver node.
  6. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I have to say that this is a very pretty map.This map reminds me of a highway or road.This is one of the best maps i've seen in a looong time! There's so much creativity in this map.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This map looks nice.
    I like the huge hill, the interlocking on that hill is just plain incredible.
    Good Job with this map im assuming gameplay is amazing
    Also I like how the walls are clean
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Hey Picceta,

    Let me start off by saying that this map is beautiful. The Forging is so precise that one has to wonder how you even did it. Seriously, you have outdone yourself this time.

    I have always been a fan of your maps man. You can tell you put so much time and effort into what you do that I have to wonder why you are not a Premium member yet.

    I did a Forge-Through on the map and I do have a few things to say about it so lets get onto that. First, I love the design. I like the long linear path that the attackers have to take to get to the Flag or Bomb. The rolling hill design is simple, yet well thought out and implemented. Clearly this map was designed with 1-Flag as it's inspiration but I have to say, and mind you this is without having actually played it, that it seems like it would be a real pain in the ass to get to the flag. The path is long and offers only minimal cover. There is also only one real path to the top and it is 95 percent low ground and then uphill. True, there is a teleporter, but you have to actually get up the hill to unblock the tele. Then all you have to do to score is hop off the side and you'll land on the ramp and score in a few seconds. This means that the gameplay, in my eyes, could suffer. It's never fun running uphill with grenade spammers and BR and Carbine shots raining down on you. It is true that the attackers are given the power weapons, but of the 2 you provided it can be argued that only the Sniper has been placed in a manner that the attackers can definitely get to it first. The Rockets are just one simple hop off the hill for the defenders. The Attackers can make it there in about the same amount of time, but just a grenade throw and a BR burst from the heavens will stop that 9 times out of 10.

    Other than that the spawns look like they are in order and the weapon set overall fits the map well, with the exception of the Mauler. The map is too open to use it effectively in my opinion. Gametype setup seems to be in oder, but there is only 3 territories on this map? To me it feels like adding one or 2 more would really help.

    Overall I would give this map the thumbs up anyday and I think that with a few weapon tweaks you could have a real hit on your hands.

    Now it's time to give you a taste of my new scoring system :0)

    Design and Aesthetics - 9
    Weapons - 7
    Spawns - 8
    Gametypes - 8
    Gameplay - undetermined

    Score: 3.2/4
  9. power7762

    power7762 Ancient
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    This map would be perfect for any gametype really, but especially infection. I give it a 4.7/5. I think maybe you could've taken up some of the empty space better, but you did a great job. You have my download!
  10. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    This most definitely should get featured, from what I see. I would give my liver to be able to geo-merge that well. It looks like it took you tons of hours, and the final product couldn't be better. This map seems like it could be an awesome infection map with a few tweaks here and there, and probably making the zombies have full shields
  11. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I DLed and did a forge through and you my friend never siece to amaze me. I loved the layout and stuctures, and the geomerging is flawless as well. I will get a game on this soon and I will post a review in the near future.


    That slope you creaed in the courtyard leading up to the tall base is incredable!
  12. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Wow, I can't believe that you aren't a premium yet, I mean, I looked at your other maps and they are great too. Anyway back to the map, I love the design, Highground was always my second favorite map (BESIDES GUARDIAN OF COURSE), and you've really embraced the essance of that map into this one. The only thing I see is the empty space like power said, maybe a little too open, or maybe u just ran out of money. Or maybe like creeping death said that it was so hard to get too the top, u could take out a wall from the defenders floor and make a tunnel too the bottom, IDK (THAT WOULD BE TIGHT) So great map, love geomergorz and interlox. 4.8987
  13. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Well Picetta. (How do you pronounce that?) It seems that this looks... amazing. Your usual. I'm past the whole modding thing, cause this looks amazing and I'm not going to fight over something if you said you didn't do it. You have my download. I'll get back to you soon. Looks very good.
  14. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I was just thinking "Where is Alby with his modding conspiracy theories?"
  15. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Dude, I've said it before and I'll say it again, your maps are righteous. Not only aesthetically stunning, but shockingly different and fun to play on. KEEP IT UP dude.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    another excelent map by picceta
    again the mergeing is excelent
    the design impecable
    the defense looks to dominate the offense, looks kinda unfiar
    some more pics of teh back areas would be apreciated
  17. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    holy christ, this must have taken a long time to make! really cool layout, and it works amazing, the only thing i think it could use is more cover on the bottom part of the hill. another awsome map, it really takes me back to Sereny and Haven. keep it up!
    #17 sourdauer, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  18. MV PaNiKK

    MV PaNiKK Ancient
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    Wow, this map is super great. Everything is merged to perfection, no bumps or anything. The only slight problem with this map is it's gameplay. the defenders seem to have the upper hand in every scenario, but overall, I give this map a 4/5.
  19. diacris

    diacris Ancient
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    Merging with map geometry

    How did you get the double box to sink so low?? i've tried sinking and once it gets about half way thru, it just falls through.....
  20. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    this looks real nice, but the only thing i have negative to say is that if you started on friday, how did you test it? youd have had to test it in 1 day. im a little worried about the gameplay, but im sure youve taken care of it. ill download and check back later once ive gotten a game or two.

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