Hollow Ground

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by That One Addict, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Hollow Ground


    Hello, I am That One Addict and I now present to you my greatest Puzzle Map,
    Walking on Hollow Ground! This is a maze map and I will now explain it in detail.

    I have made a few puzzle maps before such as Refute Your Fate and Deny Your Fate. Now I give you my latest and greatest puzzle map to date, Hollow Ground. To all who can beat this map before I release the guide, I will post their name on this page, and give a nice big pat on the back. :)

    Goal: Obtain the oddball all by your lonesome. No help from others. But I don’t care if you play in the game with other people.

    This puzzle map is hard; it is only for the more experienced puzzle breakers. I have used some old ideas mixed with some new ones, and I have designed it for those who desire a challenge.

    Background: I have worked long and hard on this map and although it is difficult I have set up a small checkpoint system. This checkpoint system doesn’t come after every puzzle. Furthermore, you will have to locate the checkpoint, although that is not very difficult.

    Hints + Pics:

    Be grateful, because I believe these hints and screen caps are generous. Although if extra help is needed I will certainly give more hints.

    Main Room: Once you reach this room you will have many items at your disposal and they will be needed in a places you may not expect. Also know that you will need to do certain things within this room to unlock parts of another room, which will unlock final rooms.

    Puzzle 1/2: The beginning, nothing to difficult. Now get jammin!

    Puzzle 2: Part 1: This seemingly easy part is crucial. You must pass this part in order to pass puzzle 8, which is actually your clue for puzzle 8 is that I am giving you the clue from puzzle 2.
    Part 2: Now to actually pass puzzle two; Terminate the unlikely and commence.

    Puzzle 3(4/5/6): You made it to the main room, but be warned here, there are many different ways to get yourself cornered.

    Puzzle 4: Hope you HAVE sharp eyes, for this small detour will have multiple keys to your future. Extra Hint: Move the ball

    Puzzle 5/: Invisibility would lift my spirits high, but next, it will beam them down low.

    Puzzle 6: You managed to clip through, now double your pleasure and move on.

    Puzzle 7: You have arrived but have you forgotten something? Find it. Now look up and fly to your judgment

    Puzzle 8: You have been judged, have you been blocked or were you allowed to enter?

    Puzzle 9: To pass my course you must use your resource.

    Puzzle 10: Do you feel lucky? Well hold your breath and go.

    Puzzle 11: Squeeze through, shoot those barriers and blast open the door.

    Puzzle 12: Now retract your steps and find that door.

    Puzzle 13: My furry friend is here to help me squeeze through some tight places.

    Puzzle 14: Find it, use it, off it.

    Puzzle 15: Soccer makes me want to become an hero.

    Puzzle 16: Now we have returned from our long journey with one thing different, just find it (You have already seen it) and proceed through it. But don’t forget your "luggage!"

    Puzzle 17: I got an A in geometry because I knew my angles.

    Puzzle 18: Turn your back and bow down.

    Puzzle 19: To get an allowance, just take out the trash.

    Puzzle 20: Not a rewarding allowance, actually I don't think I want it.

    Puzzle 21: But we can clip by!

    Puzzle 22: Harder jump than it appears to be.

    Puzzle 23: We have our green friend now use him and fly high.

    Puzzle 24: Grab our furry friend. But are you ready to take him out of his box?

    Puzzle 25: Batter your way to higher places.

    Puzzle 26: Cut that brute up.

    Puzzle 27: Grab our furry friend and go!

    Puzzle 28: Abandon our furry friend. ☹

    Puzzle 29: You’re so close! Now grow wings and fly high.

    Puzzle 30: Your journey is at an end… Just grab the damn thing.

    No more hints. Best of luck!


    *To be posted on another date.

    Gametype Required: Walking

    Map Required: Hollow Ground

    Special Thanks to GMF Painkiller and WhatUpDog for helping me fix my mistakes.
    #1 That One Addict, Oct 28, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2008

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ur bandwidth has been exceeded. i think using imageshack is way better. try doin ur pics there
  3. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    The problem is now hopefully fixed. Does anyone have problems viewing the screen caps?
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    no i dont think anyone else can see them except you, try something else
  5. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    I do see all the pics and this looks like one of the longest and most challenging puzzle maps I have ever seen. Their are 30 puzzles in total. That is Crazy! All the challenges except for like 2 look like I could complete them so I will download this and try to figure it out. The post is made extremily well and the pics work fine with me. I dont know what is the problem with all the other people because they all work fine. Maybe they are confused on the puzzles that say "no picture". I dont no. All I know is that this is a really challenging puzzle and should take me many tries to try and figure out this map. 5/5
  6. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Thank you for your feedback but I have already fixed the pictures by making an imageshack account instead of my old photobucket one. So everyone should be able to see them now.
  7. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Yes! I love puzzle maps. I am a maker and a player of these and personally thats pretty much the only reason I still play halo. I will dl and play this for sure. Looks good. I really hope its not one of those maps that just has mongooses, teleporters, and turrets through walls I cannot stand those. If I beat/break it i will let you know. Thank you for the puzzle map. Hopefully more people will start building them. If you think your good at puzzle maps you can try my puzzle map check my profile.
    #7 GMF Painkiller, Oct 28, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Yay! A puzzle map with many puzzles, I cannot wait to test this bad boy out. Though, your pics' captions are pretty vague, I hope I don't screw up. Already dl'ed
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    your puzzles.. there OVER 9000!!!!!!!

    lol 30 puzzles in one puzzle map, that is very impressive. great job, i usually dont do these maps, but i like this one alot, im going to try it out and then get back to you with the results
  10. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    wow. this reminds me of buddhacranes puzzles. complicated and have their own style of puzzling. I suggest you get him in here. he can try your map and probably finish it too. good luck with all of your future forging. I am downloading now.
  11. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    i tried this map, and didn't get passed puzzle 2. Shut up.

    Great job, its really hard! and 30 Puzzles in one map? Thats amazing!

    KILLERSEVEN777 Ancient
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  13. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    Hey good job! You are a good forger and I enjoyed playing the map. However, my friend GMF Painkiller and I (you may have seen his post earlier) broke the map. We figured out how to break it after about 2 hours of playing. If you want, we can send you the video (send me a message via live. GT: Viral Nuts). We both figured it out, but he's the only one in the video so as to prove it's a one-person break. The break seems like it would be an easy fix so hopefully you'll make a v2 for us to solve.

    Aside from this, you presented your post well and the puzzle is very creative. I give you a 4/5 (deducted a point for the break).

    P.S. Yes, we are sure it's a break because we only did 3 or 4 challenges before winning.
  14. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Like my friend said it was a good puzzle map. I hardly see good puzzle maps on forgehub these days and this is a nice change of pace. If I had a complaint it would be the restart situations and sometimes in the map you can do several different things and it was hard to figure out the order in which to do them. Other than that it was one of the best on forge hub. Please keep forging. I will, like whatupdog, give you a 4/5. P.S.Don't feel bad about the break.
  15. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Thank you very much for your thoughts and alerting me of the break in the map. I will fix it as soon as possible, which might be this weekend as I am not near my XBox at this moment. Again I really appreciate the remarks and I will work on it in the future. This was my first big puzzle and I must say I am upset with the break. I tested it so and found breaks which forced me completely change the map around. I had finally thought it was near perfect.

    So I am a little upset someone finds a break after the day. But I thank you for telling me.
    #15 That One Addict, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  16. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    I'll be more than happy to give this a go. I will edit my results soon!
  17. PrfctionIsFlawd

    PrfctionIsFlawd Ancient
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    Fun puzzle. Almost reminds me of a Buddhacrane.
  18. That One Addict

    That One Addict Ancient
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    Alright now after 1 minute with my map, the break was easily fixed, thanks once again to Painkiller and whatupdog. The front page been edited to link to the new map. All is well and good luck.
  19. Zebra

    Zebra Ancient
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    Oh wow, it took me way too long to see the final version, didn't it?

    Glad it's finished, I remember helping in the beginning then I left ToT...Sorry D:

    Anyway, it's much more than I expected, the forging came out pretty damn well, and I really do like how complex and style of play is. You really have to be an expert at puzzles to get how to play this it seems.

    Did you ever get BuddahCrane to play it like we joked around saying he would?

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