Exodus Damage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Whisper, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Download Link:
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details


    IMPORTANT SUGGESTION: When playing any type of Flag Gametype, set the flag return time to the shortest time possible. (Instant, or the one right above it).

    Exodus Damage is a new wave type of map with innovative structures and design. It has unique gameplay and can be played with Multi-Flag, One Flag, Oddball, Team Slayer, and Slayer. All gametypes are fun, as long as you have enough people. I recommend 4-10 players. Any less and it's not fun. Any more and you get killed too fast. Anyways, that's all the info because no one bothers reading this.

    Exodus Damage is not budget glitched. There are $0 left. So, don't say "add more stuff" or whatever. :p

    Weapon Layout:

    Sword x1 - 90 Seconds
    Sniper Rifle x1 - 90 Seconds
    Beam Rifle x1 - 120 Seconds
    Carbine x3 - 30 Seconds
    Battle Rifle x3 - 30 Seconds
    Mauler x2 - Default Time (Forgot what it is)
    Spartan Laser x1 -
    Needler x1 - 45 Seconds
    Spikers x2 - 45 Seconds
    SMGs x3 - 45 Seconds
    Machine Gun Turret x1 - 120 Seconds
    Spiker Grenades x6 - 10 Seconds
    Frag Grenades x3 - 10 Seconds

    Warthog x1 - 120 Seconds
    Bubble Shield x1 - 45 Seconds
    Energy Drain x1 - 60 Seconds

    Map Layout:

    Overview of Attacker's Base.

    Behind and under Attacker's Base (The mancannons in the box to the side of the Warthog are holding up a mauler).

    Tunnel structure next to Attacker's Base. An energy drain is inside the tunnel.[​IMG]

    Part of the center structure. The Spartan Laser spawns at the top, and so does the oddball in Oddball gametypes.

    Underneath the center structure, through one of the openings.

    Overview of Defender's Base. There are two ways in - one is through the main entrance and the other is through the small tunnel. To enter the small tunnel, you have to clear it out. I wonder how you do that? (Pretty simple, really).

    Inside view of the Defender's Base. The lift is on the right side and the entrance on the left. Straight ahead, a beam rifle is floating inside powerups. You can't get the powerups. That area is also where the flag spawns in One Flag gametypes.

    Structure to the side of Defender's Base.

    Action Images:

    This image speaks for itself. It doesn't even need a caption.

    I'm a crazy driver!

    Flying through the air, without a care.

    Oh yeah, bonus! I get to fly and kill people!

    Aw, are you serious?

    Oh shi-

    Get wrecked.


    Moar headshots.

    Even moar headshots!

    Lol, wtf? Kidbomber teaches us Evasion 101.

    Download Link:
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Yhslaw

    Yhslaw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it's ok i have seen this type of setup before, good job on Aesthetics!!! 4/5

  3. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this is cool map ilike what you did with the stairs and all those other interlocking parts i give this map a 4/5 the only problem i have is that its open but that just means easier sniping and lasers
  4. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Seriously? Cmon. He posted it 10 minutes ago, that isn't enough time to download, get a game together, and play the map. And you cannot rate a map if you haven't played it. Just because the aesthetics are good doesn't mean it plays good, and this is the competitive section.

    And no one cares that you got the first post. Sorry for that whisper.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I reported him anyway :p

    It's really not open at all. Sure, there are long lines of sight, but there is an equal amount of easily accessible cover.
  6. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    I like the looks of the map, especially considering it's certainly not a "typical" layout. The center structure and the bases are unique, and pretty much every structure is different as far as what you normally see. The sword spawn has to be the coolest aesthetic feature I have ever seen in a map, incredible creativity. Overall, the map's looks don't disappoint, and hopefully when I download it, the gameplay won't either.
  7. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    this map looks extremily good. Yhe interlocking and geomerging are very good and give the map an edge over other asymetrical maps. Capture the flaf would be crazy on this map. Having to go into the larger base, steal the fla, and get back to your base would be challenging and fun at the same time. The only thing good about being an attachker would be to get the warthog. Can you only get the warthog in the base the one main way. It would be stratigic to ramp a warthog off the T-P thing into the base and kill everyone letting you win. While that would be epic it is probably impossible so I'll get rid of that idea. Overall, the map looks a lot of fun and is a 5/5 and a download.
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Yeah, it's not possible to launch into the base. And the only way to get in with the Warthog is through the main entrance, unless you learn to fly. The Warthog is good for the attackers to make a quick hit and run, but it's is not very overpowering because there is really only one route it can take to get to the Defender's Base. The other ways it can go are slow and bumpy.
  9. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This map has some very nice things about it that you rarely see about other maps. The aesthetics are interesting, to say the least, and the gameplay is good enough. I really like the two-part lift. Props brotha.
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Silent. And, it's not really a two part lift, it just has two cannons.
  11. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well this map looks awesome. Everything looks superbly neat.

  12. Not The Messiah

    Not The Messiah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah it looks like a good map but i really cant say because i havent played it yet so ill post back after i play it.
  13. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, though I urge both of you to watch out for the way you post. Some of the moderators will give you warnings for posts like those, saying they're 'spam'.
  14. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    brilliant screenshots.... the first one is epic. :p i also see that the sword needs some definite attention... having 4 teleporters merged together underneath it ;). Im going to go intu my frendz bases stealing hiz flagz an he'll b all like o noez!! The center structure is super cool (lol).
    Great map 5/5.. :)
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They aren't merged, I just basically placed them on top of each other.

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