I guessing theres a lot of people who play customs around here. Could some people add me for customs please. I don't have many people who play them, in fact almost 0. I mainly like anything really. The main thing I can't stand though are the infection games that aren't fair and never end. by this i mean like 1 shot zombie that get spawn killed. My GT: x2Kx Danny
hey im on in the mornings from 6-7 am eastern time(north carolina) if oyu want we can play and forge together my gt is: The Spartan III
Not sure how many hours ahead I am over here in the U.K but I know its about5/6 hours. I don't like forging because I'm not good at it but I suppose I could watch and learn. I've sent you a FR.
i'll check what the time difference is. k im on at 6-7 in the morning, which for you in the uk, which i think has only 1 time zone, london, 10-11 am
if youre on the rest of the day than i am sometimes on on wednesdays from about 3:30 pm (7:30 for you) to about 5:00 pm(9:00 for you) and same on fridays. could you mayeb try to be on ni the morning? i never get toplay with anyone most of the tme.
I'll send you an invite right now, I also have nobody to play with and everyone in the US seems to come on at what would be like 1am. I used to stay up late but I just get really tired and cranky.
i will send you a friend request Gt:ShadowSoldier58 weekdays-anywhere between 3:30 pm to 10:00 pm (eastern time) weekends-anywhere between 9:00 am to 2:00 am (eastern time) also i am not on all the time, i usually go outside or somewhere for about 2-3 hours
Aww... But, those are the best kind of custom games to play; super unfair zombie games with one-shot kill turned on in a super human base with turrets shooting is the best!!! lol. Just kidding, I'm more mature then that. But, I'm open mainly only on the Weekends to play (since my grades got bad) I'm usally on everyday. But, I play a lot of custom games [about 3600 custom games total (stopped checking very often)] But, if you want to play then send a friend request on Xbox-live to COMMANDERMATT1.