This should be in the General chat or gaming discussions forums. No, I've never got the RRoD. I've got 1 red light, but that was because my friend didn't put his hard drive on properly.
I've had RROD it's a fast process and they send you 3 free months of XBL So, all I have to say is "dun worry, its gun be k"
i have it, and its just been fixed and is now coming back to daddy, whew its gonna be good to be back
Okay. I do not have it but my parents took my 360 away. Now I know you guys all have the RRoD but I think it's horrible the fact that my Xbox is somewhere in the house and I can't play though I could be right now. I did have RRoD about a month ago though.
You people are so lucky. I've been trying to get RROD for weeks now but I just can't get it. I have a video problem so I can't see anything so I'm not covered under warranty and have to pay $90 to fix it. Well, here goes another day of covering the back vent so it overheats, all I can ever get is a 2 red ring.
I heard that there is a disc going around that you put in the disc slot to RRoD your Xbox. The guy got it when his Xbox came back from being RRoDed and it had the disc in it. It is supposed to be a stress tester or something to see how much it takes, and it has been said that it was available to DL on the internet. I've heard about it, haven't seen it, so I'm not sure if its true. And no I have not been RRoDed before, but I saw it happen to my friend. A terrible thing.
i have had it twice and on the second time i had to buy a complete new xbox because i tampered with it...but its all good now! =D
Either your hard drive isn't connected right or it's busted. Try taking it off then putting it back on. If that doesn't work, you've got to send your hard drive into the repair place.
ive had it twice, but i always just turned it on afterward and it started working again 0_o Haven't had it in 2 weeks now.
I got the RROD 2 or 3 months ago, it's been so long since i've played any Halo 3. But i've sent it in for repairs finally... The thing is, it's actually my bro's xbox 360, but he plays his comp so much he doesn't care that the 360 got the RROD. So I was the one who had to call.
I got it a month or so ago. I sent it in and got it back two weeks ago. I turned it on to play Halo and it said "players failed to load content." Now microsoft is sending me a new Halo disc and then I will FINALLY be able to play Halo again. I've really grown to like Rock Band though.
I have had the RroD twice D= it only took them two weeks for them to send it back the first time, but then three the second time.
Jeez there are so many of these posts .. Use the Search button to see if this is done before, before making the thread.. And i think everyone knows that loads of people have the RRoD ..