Command Center V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sinogard, Oct 29, 2008.


What do you think

  1. This map is so bad it makes empty foundry appealing

    3 vote(s)
  2. Bad

    0 vote(s)
  3. alright

    4 vote(s)
  4. Good

    6 vote(s)
  5. Not even Zeus could create this miraculous map

    0 vote(s)
  1. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alright im tired so we will see how well i do.

    history: far in the deserts of asia a command center long forgotten was buried it is said that here one could find a motherload of treasure. and guess what, you found it. however you were not alone.

    Description: This map is good for all gametypes except CTF. it is a three level map. there is the low ground (surrounding the high ground), the high ground and what i have nicknames the gravlift tower (see pics below). this map is small and not entirly built for team objective games as it is mainly a FFA map.

    Now onto the equipment.
    2 Assault Riffles
    2 Plasma Riffles
    3 Battle Riffles
    2 Carbines
    2 SMG's
    2 Spikers
    2 Maulers
    1 Rocket luancher (1 clip, 120 respawn time, and does not spawn at beginning)
    1 Shotgun (2 clips, 90 Respawn time ,and does not spawn at beginning)
    1 Needler (60 second respawn)
    1 Brute Shot
    1 of each equipment except gravlift
    enough granades

    #1 Sinogard, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  2. Handl3 this fo0l

    Senior Member

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    edit: s'all good lol

    still from the looks of it, good map 4/5 :)
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks clean and all but, your bridges are rihtside up????
    aside fvrom that i might dl but it kinda looks like there is an outer ring around center platform with a crude lift and a snipe tower. not very original but it looks neat and tidy so thats a +
    3/5, i might come back and dl if another map doesnt catch my attention
  4. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map does bmot look that bad. You do know how to interlock some objects but you could have interlocked some other objects like in picture 7. The 2 walls could have been merged with the ramp but overall the interlocking is very nice. The map looks likr it would be a fun ffa map sence the map doesnt look that big. You could probably play 2 v 2 or 3 v 3. This map looks very good and the post is well made with lots of good pictures and you gave a list of all the weapons in the map which is a very nice touch. This map is good and deserves to get many downloads. 5/5
  5. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a pretty cool map
    The aesthetics in some parts however have a contrasting quality. Some areas are really well made while some parts look rushed (i.e. the floating wall thingy in pic one)
    Those bridge/rampy things look pretty odd, instead of having them all at different angles why not just make them straight?
  6. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks pretty nice and i can see you interlocked but no geomerging.The map looks just a little bit sloppy but gameplay is probably good.If you did a little geomerging the map would be really nice.You do have some nice screenshots though.Good job with the map!
  7. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i will keep these questions simple.
    Where would i do geomerging?
    Where is it sloppy?
    Please someone answer this. if i am to improve this map and improve as a halo 3 forger, i need more than spam comments such as ratings and how you like the map. I need to know where and how i can improve.

    This doesn't mean i don't like getting ratings. By all means keep rating but please if you comment on how it is sloppy tell me where. If you comment on how it doesn't have geomerging and it should tell me where it would be good.

    If you cant answer these then it is probably not going to help me.

    Thank you for your cooperation,

    Sinogard nunitsuj King of the sinarian council. (nifty title that i just love.)
    p.s. if you ask where i got this title, wait two years for my book to come out.
    #7 Sinogard, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  8. j71193

    j71193 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks like it came out pretty good
  9. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    That thing there could be straightened up a bit, that is all really

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