I was browsing through Bnet and I found this topic, it had the picture of the Hex code of IWHBYD. Above it has the other skulls and where they are "Interred", one of them says "Assasin Skull" http://www.halo3planet.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/iwhbyd_hint.jpg "Interred where Heros fall" Turns out he just grabbed the Blind skull and dropped it on the branch, so it isn't in the game as far as anyone knows. On the hex code picture it also says "Overactive camo" what could that mean.
True, but it would be hard to get up there with the skull if you needed to nade jump, I never thought about that actually.
What is this 'Mythic. Interred on Installation 04 v2'? Is one of the Mythic maps going to be based off of Installation 04? :O
a little off topic, but a map on instalation 4 would be awesome, cuz it would be on like 1 of the fragments of the destroyed ring.
Its wierd that he has a screenshot but not an entire film. This seems like a hoax to me. Kinda like the npeople who say they got Assembly and just put pics of the inside of Covenant ships.
well an easy way to do this is just try it out...you see where it is, crashed pod, big tree...easy enough landmarks. the level is sierra 117, someone do it up!
if there was another skull, than why do people have hayabusa, and it says theres only 9 skulls to unlock. i'm sure someone would have found this already.
It's talking about the Mythic skull, not the mythic maps. And it is the blind skull because if Bungie had placed that skull there it'd be face up, like all the other skulls, not on it's side, like someone took the blind skull and set it there.
I just opened the campaign. Two things are evident: you don't need grenades to jump up there, and there is no skull up there, rendering that image obviously fake. Shows a bit of jumping skill, but on default campaign there's nothing there. EDIT: Still, the concept of the Assassin skull is interesting. I can't help but wonder what it means...
it would be cool if they released new campaign levels with the mythic map pack. like have you play either on the elites side of the story, with master chief helping you on some levels, or on the covenant side, as like a very large brute that has to fight against an army of elites, and you could reload plasma rifles and pistols and beam rifles because you are covenant ad know how to. but they won't so its a lost dream...
looks like a hoax if thats how u spell it it would be face up but off topic: wernt eliets covanants before they turned so that means that could know how to do it unless its a jackel secerate... hmm or brutes but what about halo 1 and 2 even more off topic: wernt the hunters on the eliets side? againts the brutes so y didnt they turn with them or was it a different reason why they turned?
thats been bothering me to. but in the last level of halo 2, that one elite says, "these hunters have come to our aid," so maybe it was just those 2 hunters on there side and all the others were against them. but what about grunts, wern't they all with the elites
Duckyz, don't go on about people spelling assassin wrong and then type a message with far worse spelling mistakes. Frag Man, I think you missed the point. Go back and read what we're discussing. Actually, a few people are a bit confused. I'll explain. Ages ago people were really stuck trying to find the IWHBYD Skull. This screenshot was taken of the hex code to help people find the skull. They were given the clue that the skull was interred (buried, you bury bodies/bones) at the foundry's edge. That screenshot shows a number of the skulls and clues to their locations, not all the skulls but most of them. However, the Assassin Skull is also mentioned, its location clue and name don't fit any of the other skulls. This is why people believe there is another secret skull. Much like the Cortana Terminal was not an official terminal which would count towards the achievement. People have not found the skull. There are no screenshots and no videos because we don't know where it is, or if the Assassin skull made it in to the final game. The screenshot has not been faked, it is not a hoax. It is a fact that the Assassin Skull is mentioned in the Hex Code. It is speculation that it is a hidden, secret skull in the actual gameplay. Are we all on the same page now?