i just bought it the other day and was wondering if anyone wants to play the campaign with me. it gets lonley
Ive been wondering, what is castle crashers? I see that my friends are playing it but i have no clue what it is
That game is freaking HOT!!! sometimes. Me and my bro beat it the other day. My lvl was 32 and he was like 21. I played with these guys with like lvl 85-90 characters here where having a hard time beating it. Me and my bro beat it on our second try...
I coulds help you =] I'm level 70 odd after all =] But my brother goes on it way too much and i cant get in .. And the xbox is his so .. Add me and i'll message you when im on if you wants =] CASTLE CRASHERS FTWWW!
Castle Crashers is a game from the ultra talented guys running Newgrounds. It's a 2(and a half)D beat-em-up, in the same vain as BattleToads, or Golden Axe. You play as one of 4 knights, who have to go save the 4 princesses. It's a really good co-op game, and shines in co-op. Single player is okay, but less fun. More info, here or here!
ill play with you some, my gt is chief wiggum 00 ill play toight prolly im level 45 green knight, and im getting my blue knight leveled up now... what is your level/knight?
Does anybody know if the poison guy has a special sword? I am the green guy and I wish to find that darn sword.
Ill help. my gt is: deathshadow41 I'm a lvl 57 orange knight, 35 blue knight, and a 37 lava demon I havent beatn it on my blue knight yet.
This game seems to get many people addicted to it I dont know why. My little brother likes playing te demo over and over again and he shows me new crap everyday on that game lol
I know it's late but... I think madusa may drop it... and, the red knight doesn't have a sword either.