The Earth is 6000 years old? I think your mistaken, or typed it up wrong. The earths more around 4.6 billion years old.
it is quite possible and proven. Bascially there are several plates that cover earth and all the magma in the earth's mantle. is moving it by convection currents. basically the cool magma at the top moves to the bottom and the hot magma rises up, thus creating a circular motion which moves the plates on top. but basically Pangea is a Theory but Continental drift is proven.
i'm pretty sure you guys are being trolled. in other words, he's pretending to be this dumb and laughing as you belive him. or he really belives this, in which case, i feel bad for him. :/
Dude don't shake my unquenchable faith. Its not like I'm creating an obvious parallel between my arguments and that of Christians arguments towards evolution. That would be dumb. In fact, you're dumb and you suck at photoshop.
Should this really be debated? It has been proven, or scientists lie about it. I think the first one, they have no reason to lie about it, and if you believe that, you really arent smart.
Macro-movement would have to happen over millions of years. Remember how they said over 300 million years ago they were conjoined? Well if it took 300 million years for them to split, who's to say that we've actually witnessed it yet? The only other thing I could think of is that the plates are moving slowing and we continue to adjust to the change. I'm pretty sure that the plates aren't just going to burst apart or just close in towards each other. That would cause catastrophic mayhem and chaos.
Actually, it does do that. Mt. St. Helens is a testament, the San Andreas Fault is a testament, and the earthquake that happened near indonesia almost four years ago is yet more proof. Micro Movements, but the effects can be quite clear. Its all based on interpretation.
Science will always be more powerful than a bible. I believe in God, but remember that the bible was written by human hands, errors will happen.
if you mean my sig, then i didn't make it, and that really has nothing to do with this. what you said is kinda imature if you ask me.
@ Radiant and Nitrous: Half the bible is based on interpretation, anyways. Go read Revelations and ask yourself if twenty different conclusions can be made, and youll see what i mean.
Umm, are we going to bring religion in this? I would love to tell you all about that, but it seems we are a bit off-topic. PM me if you would like to know. Yes, the plate tectonics moving is always true. Here; As you can see, the spots I circled are where the continents were once connected. What happened is that the plates moved from the other plates, and over time erosion erased most geographical proof of them ever being connected. Original picture here. And as Radiant Rain stated earlier in this thread, I believe that can be proved false. We could say that the animals were created on that side also, just like them being created at all. Any creation theory can back this idea up. The same animals could have been created on that side too. Earthquakes, though, are more proof that the plate tectonics are always moving. We would not have earthquakes if they didn't, because an earthquake is caused by the rubbing of a plate against another plate. That's why we have faults. Fault lines are actually indicators of where the plates are. The same goes for volcanoes. Except and earthquake causes a volcano to erupt.
Yep. This shows that there is movement under the Earth, but it's just small movement. Over time, this could lead to continental shifts. That would support Plate Tectonics and Pangea. P.S. Frag Man: The circles in your picture looked like pen-fifteens. (If you catch my drift...)
This has gone too far. "You suck at photoshop" is a hit youtube series, I was not implying that you made that sig. This whole thing has been a sarcastic thread hell bent on showing the stupidity of the arguments that oppose evolution. If you would all kindly, stop posting that would be great. If you couldn't pick up on the joke then there is really no need to post.
I'd like to ask how and where you derive your "belief in God" from, if not from the Bible? Sure, we Christians commonly accept the God's natural revelation, but without the Bible, I can't see how you have any kind of belief in God.
Cute, Nitrous. Does screwing with the retarded masses of the internet make you feel smart? Also, I have never heard of that youtube thing. Also, etc. Also, also.
you ppl need to stay on topic... this thread has nothing to do with religion and the earth used to be one large land mass. proof (as prevously stated, but expanded) all the continents look, on a map, like they are puzzle peices. also there is contiental drift happening in california. there is a section that moves a few inches every year.