Xypher The question of the location of this Forerunner structure is believed to be a safe haven from the flood. 2-4 players Download As a right of passage, I took my time to make my first non-foundry map. It took a LOT of time but still is far from perfect. It was created in the bottom cavern using the save/quit float method. In my head I thought it to be Guardian sized but in fact it is smaller. So it's probably best for 2v2 or 1v1. 3v3 might work but I think that would be pushing it a little. There are four basic areas: Defenders side, attackers side, center, and camo. Pictures and a weapon list are below: 1 Battle Rifle 1 Carbine 1 Sword 1 Shotgun 1 Spiker 1 SMG 1 Bubble shield 2 Plasma grenades 2 Spike grenades 4 frag grenades Attackers side Defenders side Center and camo So the BR, Sword and Spiker spawn closer to the defenders spawn while the Carbine, Shotgun and SMG spawn closer to the attackers. Camo is about 2 seconds closer to the defenders but the attackers are closer to the bubble sheild. I'd say this map is only good for Slayer, Juggernaut, Oddball, and King of the Hill gametypes so that's all I've set spawns for. Send any feedback on this map. Download
Looks ok. Although, I can't really tell for sure...I'll dl and get back to you. From what I can see, it looks small. Put an overview pic please. (EDIT) Actually, I looked closer and now I see. I thought you had a bunch of pieces around everywhere. Now, I see more clearly though. Please don't rate your own maps. At least I think it was you...
Can you add an overview shot? From what I see this map looks really good. I especially like the boxes used as columns and the colors of the map contrasting the black cave that it is located in.
this looksveary clevor. i think this map is really well made and i dont think it needs any thing more. it is perfect as is. all i ask for is a picture from the sky veiw. also, this map reminds me of a lock out and assention type of maps from halo 2. compact yet big, or so it seems.
ever since i posted my map thats made in the same area i have been waiting for yours to be posted. all i have to say is this beats the heck out of my map everything is so neatly placed and it does not look so cluttered definite dl for me
Good Feedback: It looks very awesome and well made. Great gameplay and good use of the double boxes. Not so good feedback: A shotgun and a sword in a 2v2 or 3v3 map??? I think its too much and I suggest deleting one of them.
I've seen alot of these types of maps before but this is probably one of the best.I see interlocking and alot of different structures.It would be nice if you took a picture that shows the whole map though
This map truely appears to be one of a kind. With several advanced forge techniques and well thought out layout, this seems to be definetly worth the download. Although I haven't downloaded it yet, I will get back to you as soon as I do so. Until then, I must rate this map based on the screens. 4/5
Put an overview on, you can't really get a good idea of where everything is. From what I can see, you did a nice job. You've added ample cover where the map needs it, and it seems to flow well. 7/10 fro now, when I see more I'll let you know
This looks like a great map, that is not on foundry! I love seeing maps that stray from foundry, especially floating ones. This looks like a great map, just needs a little cleanup in a few places. And I can also see the definite problems with having a shotgun and a sword, but I can also see how they can contradict each other. I would take the sword out and put the shotgun in the center of the map with NO SPARE CLIPS. By the way, you put the same picture in twice