Im more of a talker, like i have good charisma but i also have small guns, and big guns. So its a mixture, and i have the lady killer perk, as well as some radiation perk i got from getting over 600 radiation then curing it.
I might make another file that smooth talks and sneaks his way through the game. seriously, try running and gunning (but scratch the running).
*pfft* don't be a panzy. Or do be a panzy and just use LONG range guns. their shotguns won't do **** to you ^.^
Thats true but it doesnt work when you run at them like a idiot firing an automatic weapo, even though it seems like it, and where can i find new armor? i need it teh bad D=
I scavenge everything (i mean everything) for ammo. Super mutants carry hunting rifle ammo. stores sell some. I get most from bodies and drawers/cabinets in buildings in D.C. I sell the ammo for caps and buy a lot of armor. Ammo is valuable in Fallout 3 Edit: I run like an idiot and it works, so maybe I'm just more awesome than you?
Oh well i have some vault haurd that i killed clothes, they dont defend very well. I dont go into D.C. very much either i guess i should start.
I went into the subway station and got some good amounts of cash. My brother runs around the city and finds lots of old, destroyed buildings with lots of rewards (and enemies) Kinda an Easter egg: there is a destroyed Bethesda Studios my brother raided on the outskirts of D.C.
Me either (only a hour and a half).My brother managed to find a flamethrower and a real sniper rifle (the scope is sexy) by scavenging (and killing) the entire town of Megaton. I'm about to go play it again.
Me too. to all others reading this: buy this game now. You won't regret it at all. The game play, story, and every other aspect are nearly perfect. A strong game of the year candidate.
in oblivion i was pretty much just a sneaky snake. and it worked well. i could get anyhitng from a picked pocket or just a murder that nobody saw. and sneaking up behind baddies and scoring a critacal hit always helps. so i'll probably do that in fallout, at least for my first character.
SNOW DAY! I can now resume playing the epic win that is fallout. Also you can get critical hits without sneaking if you are accurate enough and lucky enough.(i get them all the time, especially when targeting the enemies head.)
I dont really think you get extra damage for sneak attacks, and your in a very open enviroment so it would be difficult. But you could try it, i mainly use the RPS or whatever its called(the thing that lets you aim at certain body parts and shows you the percentage that you have of hitting them)
what? wow if you dont get critical hits for sneak attacks in this game that is pure poppy ****. oh well sneaking up behind people like a creepy rapist pedophile is still fun. oooo im gonna need a trenchcoat.
How did you get a snow day yet? Where do you live? btw, did yall see last episode of sxephil? Check 2:12