Just out of curiosity. and to make sure they're not proxys. What do you mean by Fallout's text is small? What if your TV is small? ...it's all relative man. lawl.
So it wasn't just me that thought it then? i thought it was my small(ish) tv. What do u think of the whole pip-boy/main menu thingy? EDIT: the text is small, but still readable. It doesn't mess up the gameplay at all. trust me, just could be annoying on smaller TVs
No my tv is a good size, its just the text is small, have you played oblivion? Its like that kind of text. i think the menu thingy is a bit harder to navigate and read but still works well.
i was gonna wait till christmas since im broke, but after seeing some vids im gonna have to come up with some money (possibly stand on the street corner, thats usually how i get money fast when i need it) and get it this weekend at the latest.
I like the menu but i wish you could pause the whole game (like most games) and bring up just an equipment screen. managing armor and weapons isn't hard, just annoying with the one in the game
yeah I felt dumb when an hour and a half in I had JUST figured out that you can get radiation levels. (I always wondered what that dam red bar was)
haha it took me reading the little book to find out about the radiation levels >.> not very descriptive like i said haha but still fun =D
there is information in the guide that comes with the game? is this a first? lol now i gotta read it(btw another dumb note by me it took another 15 minutes after the hour and a half to realize that RAD under food effects adds to your radiation). Does radiation wear off over time, or do u need to cure it?
thanks I need a cure I think I ate some bad stuff...a lot.Trying to save my medkits (or whatever they are called)
or if you go near that bomb in the center of the town you get radiation, dont drink or eat anything you find XD
Are you talking about the like, little guide that always comes with games, or is it a strategy guide?
I stood by the bomb for a bit and the red bar was moving i was look "ohhh that's a big bomb". Isn't the sheriff awesome in Megaton? I want to be like him when i grow up ^.^ Edit: the little guide thingy that is actually in the case. I'm reading it now and besides controls (which all games have) this one actually is helping me understand the game.
I know I'm already at the Radio station I just didn't want to say anything and have somebody be like OMFG WTF SPOILER A** HOLE OMG. (you know somebody will)
It doesnt bother me =D he has a sweet cowboy hat. But i dont like the raiders with shotguns D= their hard to kill when its like 6 of them.
I wear his hat around as a reminder of the good solders lost in this epic battle to save mankind (*sheds one tear*) plus it does look sick yes. Super mutants aren't that super after all that first pistol rapes them and the hunting rifle with head shots PWNS
Well i didnt wanna leave Vault 101! It was nifty there =P I havent been playing it since i got on here though. The giant ants are weird O.O
Do you mean the cockroach/rats? who the hell thinks of things like that? oh and di you see the two headed horse in Megaton?