"you know most people relax by getting high instead of playing skeeball" "right then they go play skeeball" NPH - "oh im not a student here, i just come for *****" So many funny **** in this game I also heard a ped say: "Oh **** I forgot to let the pledges out of the freezer room." While streaking - "looks like someone didn't hit puberty" While traficking - "like what the **** man you don't see me bringing 50 of my friends to bust your deals"
Saints Row 2 is wayyyy better then GTA IV .. I dont really like those types of games .. But Saints Row 2 is really fun to play .. If you want realism get GTA IV .. If you want fun and decent graphics get Saints Row 2 .. Some of the things that happen on saints row 2 are totally unrealistic but so dam fun!
I know like all the little side activities =D my favorite is the insurane fraud and the thingy where you protect celeberities.
Yeah and the trail blazing! I love it! Blow up cars for points when going through checkpoints! Can't get much betters then that! =]
GTA VI didnt give you that =P haha and the co-op is fun, i play it with my friend every now and then XP
Trail blazing is win and mayhem where do i start - infinite satchel and its so awesome seeing all those points. Anyone want to help me beat the zombie uprising minigame?
Gotta be the funniest and truest review evar! Just went into a strong arm game and my team had pimp slap perk on and we just raped them, if they were in cars we would cause them to flip and explode and I would hide around the corner and just send them flying.
Has anyone done the secret mission yet? Poor Julius... Cruise Control is a revelation people! Oh and Ten Reasons Why SR2 Is Better Than GTA4
Spoiler Ya I would shoot him too for him thinking we are friends then blow me to pieces and lose 5 years of my life. and he could have just left not blow up the ship