Can anyone please, for the love of all that is holy in the world, make me a logo called "Brain in a Box" or "Brain in a Box Productions" doesnt needta be too complex... just those words and A Cube whose sides look like a brain (ya know squiggly lines goin all over it) anyone? post em here or whatever, anyone can submit, even if someone else says they'll make it... I just want a good one and I know there are alotta artists in the FH community... I'll make you a nick if you make me one lol...(if you want) or if you already have it you'll get further love and adoration.
Re: A Request... I'd prefer the version i stated above... but its not like im forcing you, i mean if its good im not gonna be like "ITS NOT THE ONE I SAID. EPIC FAIL. GO DIE ALONE SOMEWHERE" haha
no, make it as if it were a banner for a site (that way I can resize accordingly) please also, its not for an avatar lol thanks
option 2 is the correct concept that i wanted but it looks a little too cartoony for my taste... this is like a logo for machimima and the likes thanks for trying it tho...what program did u use btw... cuz a while back i tried using paint and i could barely make the box lol
Yeah, I used Paint lol. I self taught myself how to use it with pritty good results. I should make some tutorials lol. I can try to make the one I made less cartoony. Any specific information on how you want for it?
I told you this idea would work sarge. Once i get to a computer with the right programs i'll try and make one. I'm going to give it a more bad ass look than the ones people have entered.
hehe alright thanks woodie as for the mallet. believe it or not I actually was looking for an actual brain texture on the box, at first. But then I realized most logos nowadays dont have like real people or things in em... theyre usually just illustrations or something to that effect I like it...dont gemme wrong, its not bad, its just a little too realistic for my liking furthermore I'd also like more of a cube... I'm a little anal about cubes lol
W00t! I am done... this one is literally a brain in a box, but I am making a brain-textured box, too. I drew this all myself. It took awhile...
me and mooregames discussed it in a PM. I really really like that picture, but its not what I'm looking for in a logo... although I may use it for something related. He told me he has a few more ideas in mind.
Why thank you! I worked hard on it... and yes, I am making a few others that are to Sarge's specifications (his suggestions, really)
Sorry for double, but I'm done! Please tell me if you want different text effects... this one was also all drawn by me. Tell me what you think... I don't really like the text, so any suggestions?