Hello Again, Folks! This Will Be My First Competitive Map NoScopes v.1!!!! This game is consistant of high gravity so you cant jump over all the obstacles in the way so you can ricochet off of stuff! Alright, in this game type, the only way to get points is to get a headshot! so we know you are a true Noscoper! This Map Was Made By Me, LegitKiller99, Iron J Man, OWINATER. Here Are Some Pics Of This very cool sniper map! With Aaction pics! East Side: West Side: Tunnel System: Me Snipen My Friend: Links For This Map Gametype: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Map: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details And Remember, this wont work with anything else but the gametype provided, so i will add more gametypes for it soon! Seeyall Next Time Around!
you said that the only way to get points is to get head shots, and the only way to do that is through no scopes? i get head shots all the time scoping... what am i missing hear.
The map looks fine but why would you have to noscope. I know that is the point of the game but if you really wanted to you could just stay in a corner and snipe people . I'm geussing it is an honor rule because I doubt you mooded the gametype so you couldnt scope at all so thats that. I would like to say that the map is very nice. I like how you made a tunnel out of movible objects which really makes the map look cool. You may not be the best forger ever but you have made a nice map. You probably could have used some interlocking in the map but it is fine. I like the idea of this map it just seems like a really big honor rule to not scope in but the idea is fun and a 4.5/5 download from me. good job.
I get it! for anyone who doesnt- The sniper map is filled with stuff which forces you to use close combat, and since your sniping you have to no scope at close range. and head shots are the only way to get pointz. pretty gewd idea man. the actual map needs work. ei. interlocking. _3/5 map_______ 8/10 game EDI: map maybe not so good but thatz ok cuz its a v1
I apologize if I some how offend you, but this map appears to not include today's standards for creating a "good map". No interlocking is visible, and I looks like you just through everything together; not incorporating the time that is necessary to complete an acceptable map. I admire your basics concepts, for I understand your position in forging skill (for we were all there), but our constructed criticism may move you to a higher skill in forging. You may have the potential to create great maps, but this one is just practice!
Pretty good layout, especially the sniper tower and area with the wall corners. Some parts that will commonly be walked on (part of the sniper tower, on top of the tunnel, and maybe 1 more place) should be re-done so that you dont fly up when u go over a bump, especially on a no-scoping map. A few of the respawns spawned you looking directly at the wall, so they need to be spun around, and also add a respawn area covering the whole map for more diversity in spawns. A suggestion that i would make is to build the wall corners higher to give it more of a close range feeling. Also add more cover to the side with the tunnel. cant wait for v 2, P.S...link to forge tutorial index]
Well, you can scope in, no one can stop you, no one will notice, unless they know you suck with srs. Anyway, I like the tunnel, but everything is sloppy, try and interlock/geomerge. 2.5/5.
Just an observation, but i don't think interlocking is necessary as long as this map is filed as a casual map. Not as a competetive map.
now I dont think its that good. The map itself could use a lot of work. But I do think that you have a great gameplay and could flow into a ton of different maps. 2/5
Im Workin On v.2 right now and theres gonna be no snipe tower or second story so that u guys will probaly have to noscope. cyz scopin at close range is horrible