The Dome V3 By: xCPMx & Simply teh Best Map Description The Dome v3 is a symmetrical multi-level arena map with 4 lifts. It has four sets of stairways which lead to four bridges that connect to a center platform. The four lifts provide a faster way to get to the center platform up top. Surrounding the walls of the map are catwalks that own. The map has a really good flow and you can jump and juke anywhere. Cover is scarce but if you can work the map you will own. Changes for V3 Version 2 was completely rebuilt from scratch from v1 to make it much better. V3 improves on v2 by adding all the changes that people suggested and more. Now there is more cover up top and below. Floating platforms to jump to and from. There are jumps added around the top of the map. Grenade/weapon/powerup positions have been changed. Basically the map has a lot more flow and cover at the same time. There is many ways to go up and down on this map. Note: This map is great for FFA. The map is also set up for Oddball and Hill and there is also team spawns. I preffer to play it with MLG settings but you can use whatever you want. Weapons 1 Rocket at 0 spare clips, 90 second respawn 8 Plasma Nades, 10 second respawn 4 Grenades, 10 second respawn 4 Battle Rifles, 10 second respawn 4 Covenant Rifles, 10 second respawn 2 Maulers, 45 second respawn 1 Camo, 90 second respawn Gametypes Supported FFA Slayer Team Slayer Oddball Hill Pictures Top of the Map Top of the Map Top of the Map Me Jumping on a Jumping pad. Top Mid view from bottom. Bottom of the Map Bottom of the Map Dramatic Rocket Shooting Top of Green Lift Bottom Red Lift Me Looking over my map... with pride. Bottom of the Map camo spawn. Floating plats (the green stuff is just to add to the effect.) Stairs going up to top plat. A lift from bottom to top etc. Top Part of Map Top Part of Map The Dome v3 (download here) Thanks for looking!
this looks pretty slick lol i love that word, any way, at fist glance there seems to be nothing wrong with this map, besides the fact that the lift bridges arnt interlocked but i guess that that wont impact gameplay so much. other than that ill edit the post if i find anything wrong when i play it. 3.8/5(may change for the better)
looks like a mega-tight arena! i've been looking for a good FFA map for a while and this is it! i like the multi level structure and the forge techniques used here look great. this is a definite DL for me and +rep for you. if i were staff i would feature this. Great job!
This map looks like it would be a ton of fun for free for all or small slayer games. Can you play capture the flag or 1 bomb on this map. It would be extremily fast-paced a lot of fun.The interlocking is very nice and it does look perfectly symectrical on both sides. This map seems to look very fast=paced and quick and should be a lot of fun when I play it with some of my friends. Yes, I am downloading this map right now and you have made an extremily good map.
this map looks really good. it doesnt seem confusing at all and very accessible to all parts of the map. i would maby fix the weapons a little, mainly on the time setting but other wise this map looks priity good. - 4/5
Arenas have been done before but I like how this one is different. Not only do ya have platforms, but also lots of other cool stuff like ease of getting from one place to another. There are a few more things I would fix such as some small things like flipping the rest of the bridges, but nothing too gameplay dependent. Great map!
I'm giving it a DL, but for a possible v4 put the teleporters slightly interlocked into the shield door for even better visual effect. Also bottom mid where camo spawns you should take out the middle 'cades for better flow of the map. And if you REALLY wanted to go above and beyond slightly interlock all boxes around the outside, but hey, it's not really needed.
You got a nice middle structure there!I like how the map feels like it goes up and up.The map would probably work nice for team king.I saw that you added some geomerging which i really like to see in maps.Your interlocking is good just some bridges look a little messy.Nice map
this map looks like a lot of fun, simply because it can be used for balanced gametypes, or crazy random weapons games, it should be tons of fun on all of them, very nice job, love it.
Nice map. looks real fun to play on! The first thing i thought besides 'nice map' was that the box that the rocket launcher is on seems like it should be a small open box instead of closed... it just looks like it should be like that, but it may not be possible... idk. nice map 4/5 will dl
Thanks for the constructive criticism. The teleporters actually are slightly interlocked in the floating doors, I have them so the the little glowing part is sticking out I guess I could put the whole thing in the door (I was second guessing how I should place it). The cades' at the bottom have been in and out with testing. So far we have found it works great for king gametypes and before there was too little cover on the map. I could always take them out... this is something else I was undecided on. All the boxes around the outside are actually interlocked. I guess I could interlock them vertically as well... thanks for the post. You know what's funny. We actually tried putting in a open single box to see what it would be like. We even went as far to see if we could make a hole where you could drop from top mid to bottom mid... In the end we just opted for the solid single box. I guess we could go back to the open single, with or without the hole to bottom mid. It would be fun if we could get a big gang from forgehub to test the map out together. Maybe I'll post a thread in the testing section.
The map seems very cluttered from the pictures. I think that that many barriers may also affect the flow of the map due to its arena style. Also why did you call it the dome if its not in the shape of a dome. Its awful boxish to me.
Great map, From the pictures I get these impressions. Interlocking - 9/10 Aesthetics - 8/10 Originality - 7.5/10 I can't wait to download this map. It looks like a great map can't wait to get a party together to play Slayer.
If you preffer the map without the extra barriers/cover and jumping pads and can provide you with v2 (which is basically that). It's funny that with v2 there was so little cover that people said there needs to be more. And now that there is cover some people say its cluttered and needs more flow. Some testers preffered v2 and some v3. It's hard to make everyone happy. The map is called the dome because v1 was shaped like a dome. Then when the map was completely rebuilt for v2 it became more of like a square/octagon. We kept with the name the dome because it's like an arena... a battle dome. Originally v1 was meant to be a BR practice arena... then we realized the map could be so much more. In the end my friends and I still love the map as a BR practice arena before we jump into matchmaking but it's also a great map to play regular games on. I'll just say one thing... the gameplay is hectic and a lot of fun. Jumping/juking/shooting skills are key. My personal favorite thing about the map is the lifts on all 4 corners. Enough chatter from me.. try it!