ACTUALLY, i was talking about the DOORS in the subway. here is your picture, on the right, the one door crosses into the pink line. thus, it isnt straight. People who leave no room for improvement shouldnt even post their maps. the end.
The Doors are all at a Degree... they are not perfectly straight, I did at one point have them all straight but the Wire Spools would fliy off the track so I sifted them a bit. Your logic is pretty one sided... are you telling me that bungie goes back and make corrections after they post their maps after people play it and find Glitches in the map? no they dont... they should but sadly they dont... I posted the map, I like it they way it turned out and minor imperfections arent a problem. I did my best, please just be happy that someone is making a map that is more than just placing objects around a map, but instead using their imagination to create Aesthetically eye pleasing maps. I thank you for taking an interest in my work.
Actually, i AM telling you bungie makes alterations to their maps. Ask anyone here. edited because i was overly aggressive for the situation given at hand. Apologies.
geeze, its just a flippin map... its not a matter of life and death. I didnt disrespect you or say or do anything negative, lets just drop whatever it is this conversation is about.. you found this thread, the content got your attention... you downloaded and played the map.. that pretty much sums it up, thanks for the DL and feedback.
Maybe it's just 'cause I haven't been here in a while, but I'm fairly sure that being rude and arrogant wasn't a part of being a ForgeHub Premium. I know I've got no say in the matter, as I'm just Retired, but I'm really unimpressed with your attitude, thesilenceisbroken. PonyD made an excellent map with a few minor imperfections (which he explained were due to logical cause, i.e. the train working), and you...swear at him? I'm not impressed. =/
Lets cut this off right where it is before it the thread is overtaken by bickering. Everyone said their piece so leave it at that. They call me "Infractman" in case you were curious. Go ahead and test me!! P.s. Take it to your PM's if you need to resolve this any further.
This looks amazing, I love the fusion and the ascetics, the only thing I would change is removing the two warthogs and replace it with one ghost. Other than that, it looks awesome
i've always liked your maps because of their originality. this is the best one yet and it looks really tight. keep forging and good job!
I downloaded it. It looked better in person. The design is cool. Though I didn't like where the flags were, it looked cool but a little hard, in my opinion, to get to. The bridges that run across the middle there weren't as smooth as I would have thought, but it's good enough for me. I liked the train idea, I haven't seen that before so... 4.5/5 only because it seemed that the map was a little messy in some spots such as where you go down into the subway part, but other than that the design was good, and merging was good as well.
well I thank you for your review and for actually playing it before trying to leave feedback. In all honesty the FLAGS are placed right where I visioned them to be, if it wasnt hard to capture the flag then it wouldnt be as fun. The map is not big so I had to compensate by putting the flags high enough to make it a challenge rather than a grab and run 50 feet to cap game... if you notice, you have to jump off the platform to grab the flag and the direction you are facing when you jump for the flag is in the opposite direction of the PLANT POINT down in the subway... so now you have to either go down into the subway and risk jumping over the "TRAIN" or risk getting destroyed by the other team who might be waiting for you to run past the pillars.. or stay above ground and take it across the streets to the other subway entrance where it so happens the enemy spawns in that corner... so thats pretty much the idea to make it difficult to jump and grab the flags.. its original and it helped the buildings Aesthetically. I hope that the next time you get a chance to play Submission... put those factors I mention above into consideration and you might find that it plays a lot better than you originally thought. Thanks again for the comment, and creeping death.. you know I wouldnt nor have I done anything negative to loose the repsect of those members who enjoy my portfolio of maps.
i downloaded this, and played it with tons of people, and i like it a lot, the only suggestion i can make is well, the train should appear more often, and it should be bigger, just because it never really was a threat while we were playing. no one cared to watch out about the train, cuz it never killed them! that is all, and great map otherwise.
I did my best with the material available and thats as good as I could get it... I agree I too wish the Train was more... more of a threat...bigger.. everything... but the way its set up is the only way it will run properly without it flying off the track or jamming... sorry, I tried my best.. please just enjoy this even though its main feature the train is not so epic...
There have been city maps, and subway maps... but this is the best of both put together. I'm not a practiced map rater, but the aesthetics are beautiful and fit a city environment without cluttering it. [Ex. the wharthogs] The basic aim of forge maps are to make you think you're not in Foundry, and you did that very well! This'll probably have a permanent spot on my hard drive. You kind of discouraged me from making urban maps now though, Couldn't top this. 5/5
I'm running out of words to say about great maps. Fantastic? Used. Awesome? Used. Beautiful? I sound like a nerd. I'll use awesome. This map is awesome! 5/5. Great layout, and positioning, and great theme. The whole map doesn't feel like Foundry, and thats what I like about it. I haven't seen many of your maps, but if they are up to this standard, I think I will. A fantastic, awesome, beautiful map. Epic work, man (or Pony?) Anyway. 5/5. And congrats on Feature.
Dont kid yourself, you can most certainly pull off a city map. Because to my memory.. there hasnt been a amazing one yet.. just a bunch of fence and regular walls layout in a box shape to makes us have to use our imagination to see the so called "building or house" Give it a shot, shouldnt be to difficult. If I had it my way I would like to use Civilian/Transportation Hogs without the gun turrets... then I wouldnt get comments on how they hurt the gameplay of the map.. Thanks for the feedback, if I get back Halo3 anytime soon.. hopefully I can get another map started on Forge. Most likely Ill wait for the update next year.