I'm looking for some help in makig a Foundry map. While I know what I want the map to be, and know with a decent amount of certainity that I could help instruct someone as to what it looks like, at least in my head. However, I lack the nessacary Forging skills in order to make it, so I'm asking for help in making it. So are there any kind souls who would like to help me?
Well. What kind of things are you not able to do? I can interlock and geomerge decently if that's your problem....Give a couple examples on things you know you'll need help with.
I'll gelp you make a map. Invite me in a couple of hours. I'll be online then. I'll help you make a house map or something. I'm not brilliant, but I reckon we could make a cool map.
You can make your own thread by selecting "New Thread" on the forum. And the map I've envisoned is a symmetrical, medium sized arena map, built to both generally competive and with a few tweaks, even MLG acceptable. However, in my previous attempts to build it myself, I've run out of objects (it is an enclosed map), money, or my bad habit of my brain refusing to work anymore has gotten in the way of my finishing the map. Also, my Forging sometimes leave something to be desired, so my askinf for help in making this also helps ensure that the map is as clean and nicely flowing as possible.