Lawlz, I was kinda chuckling at this. Every map submitted so far has been rejected by Shishka, harsh guy huh? I was also thinking, what if you had no idea what WoW was and your map was rejected because there was some level in game that was called "The Underbog"?
I tryed going the the forum but it said access was denied. I'd like to submit a map. Do you have to do something special?
wow that is so retarded. yes the Underbog is a part of WoW but the map in no way looks like the instance the instance inspired the name yet in any way besides the name is the map copying the actual layout or anything. And honestly there are over 9000 things with like names and it doesnt affect anything. I bet there is another map called lockout on some other game but in no way did bungie steal it most likely. Shishka = Fail Blood = an insanely screwed over forger but seriously Blood just change the name or something that'd most likely be the easiest way around it
I thought it was a forum group on a forum in the group. ^ Thats what I leanred about your guys convo ^. Anyway, shiska can't be serious about this. I belive this might actually be something personal or due to the map. Maybe they know FH is to win for it, or Bungie's scared of people knowing that Favortie maps are bad.
Using something as inspiration isn't under any copyright infringement so he can use it as long as he changes the name. I would think. Ya never know with Shishka.
To sum up all questions, Yes I did know its from WoW Thats where I got it from, I name all my maps after WoW. Second Im too lazy to re-name it.
No offense at all to BL00D, but Shishka was as clear as can be, and there really shouldn't be this issue with a staff.