ok, today i played a game of risk with my friends (the board game) and i thought, could a make a map out of this? and ideas sprung. it would have honour rules, but still the war forgehubbians love.heres how it works It will be played as a territories varient,each team spawns in a room with, depending on map, 2 different weapons (in original idea, it was a B-Shot and BR) each respawning at 180. 2 team members take them (as comandded by general whos explained later) and goes through a sender node to thier corner of the map. they get that territory, and after this all happens, the game "really" starts, the "general" is a player who spawns in a fence box in the sky (he is selected random, as there is a starting point there, and respawn points at the rooms) the lucky player commands who gets the weapons, and when they all go through the tele, his turn ends. the next teams general takes his turn (turns are decided on team, red first, blue next, and so on, in the order pressing the right bumper in lobby would take you) after all troops are on the map, red team may enter an nearby (touching sides of yours) territory, and go 1 a turn, you must have at least 1 troop at each of your territorys (if short on players, have a troop staitioned to go between 2 territorys that are next to each other) of course, there will be hills, buildings, and towers blocking some routes. when troops meet, the current player may choose to fight, or not, when you fight you may NOT go out of the two territorys (if 4 and 5 are battling, you MUST stay in 4 or 5) YES shoot, kill enimies in that territory only (no shooting enimies in territorys currently not in conflict) NOT have a 3-way battle NOT call troops from other territorys to win the game, you must eliminate all enimies, and have all territorys. you have 1 life, but respawn when a territorys is captured nomatter what, so if all but 1 guy dies, but the 1 guy manages to win a territory, everyone respawns. also, if a team destroys all opposition in the territory, they may loot thier weapons and NOBODY may try to stop them after the fight.somtimes, certain territorys have weapons, like a tower might contain a sniper. Use your position to your advantage, if you have a sniper and hes positioned on a cliff overlooking a enimie territory, he can snipe at them, and take cover when his sheild is down. I beleive i have everything here
The map has already been done kinda, but your idea seems more complex. I think you would have to assemble a team of people to do this. I don't think you could just invite people off of your friends list. If you could find a group to be that cooperative I'd play, but have luck with that. Good luck though Love, Zachary9990
I think it might be possible to make it so you can't attack other territories in some way or another by using defender and attacker traits. Not sure exactly how but I'm pretty sure it's possible.