Fat Kid's Revenge!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by LegitKiller99, Oct 27, 2008.


Do you like this map?

  1. Rubbish

    16 vote(s)
  2. Fine I guess..

    3 vote(s)
  3. actually, that was kind fun!

    0 vote(s)
  4. nice map dude!

    0 vote(s)
  5. w00t! this pwnz da nubbiez!

    1 vote(s)
  1. LegitKiller99

    LegitKiller99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello Matey's!
    This is My Brand New, Embed'd Pics, Brand Spankin new Map!!!


    Fat Kid's Revenge!!!!

    This Map Took Awhile Too Make With the Help Of Masterguyperson @ Me, Legitkiller99!!

    Pics (Embeded!)

    Human Spawn:

    Zombie Spawn:

    Jumping Sucks:

    These Things!:

    Home Free...Or Are we?


    These Are The Links For The Addicting Infection Game

    Fat Kid's Revenge!!!

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    This is important, if you see this made by anyone else, its a immitator.. Me, LegitKiller99, and Masterguyperson, made this map.

    Enjoy The Addicting Game of..

    Fat Kids' Revenge!!!!

  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off this map looks like it didn't take more than ten minutes to complete. You didn't even attempt to interlock and I suggest you take a look at Forging 101 before randomly posting. Also, fat kid is mostly played by illiterate four year olds that enjoy screaming. And also please don't spam your own post with random bits.
  3. Skittle085

    Skittle085 Ancient
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    First of all, the obstacles look mindlessly simple to complete. The most famous Fat Kid was a staple (at least in its time) for having interesting and innovative obstacles, usually which were destroying thinks blocking your path. Jumping and grav lifts just don't hold the same interest.

    Second of all, what the hell is with only two obstacle? I don't know the exact number, but Fat Kid had many more, probably around 15.

    Third of all, why are you making a map for Fat Kid? Fat Kid is infamous for it's like of intellectual requirement on Forge Hub, and this is just begging to be shot down.

    And fourth and lastly, your map is ugly. No interlocking, ugly shield door placements (with the exception of the grav lift, but not because it looks good there; it just has to be done there) and boxes placed in a dull fashion just don't give this map a good feel.

  4. blanman

    blanman Ancient
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    Sorry, I don't think that this thread is gunna go so great for you. I doubt that many people will really like this.
    And also:
    Don't post stupid questions to bump your map. And use the search button instead of the post button.
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    it doesnt look very well put together. it seems small and as for the pics and discriptions, this maps would get a 0/5. the pic that says "these things" is completely pointless. just tell ppl what it is. you need a bigger discription in the thread with more pics. idk what this is even about. all that i can tell is that itz infection with fat kid gametype (right?). anyway, 0/5. i wouldnt reccoment.
    sry for the harsh words. keep forging. not bad for a start
  6. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    first of all, no offense, but i HATE fat kid. so already ur off to a bad start with me. i dont think it's addicting at all. second, this map doesnt seem to be very... professional.... it doesnt have great aesthetics like greatly interlocked structures and geomerged stuff.

    it is true that fat kid is the perferred gametype for little kids who like cheap-o gametypes where it's easy for them to out run the zombie because he's so slow (in my opinion, anyway). come up with something WAY more original.

    Aesthetics: 2/5 (not that great, nothing special)
    Originality: 0.25/5 (surprised? not really)
    Effort: 3/5 (good effort, but could be better)
    Overall: 1.75/5

    Keep on Forging. look up Forging 101 and ask other forgers about different techniques to improve your forging skills. AND LAY OFF OF "FAT KID!"
  7. minato

    minato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One, Fat Kid sucks. Two, The map was created with poor technique. Three, it needs more obstacles. Four, make the obstacles actually mentally challenging. Five, actually tell us what "There Things" are. Six, well, I could go on and on, but I will pity you... never mind. Six, it looks easily breakable. Seven, now I will pity you.
  8. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    I am not a big fan of fat kid so I cant truley say that I dont like this map because I dont like this kind of game. I would suggest adding interlocking and geomeerging to any map now in days as it helps the overall apearance of your map. I am not saying you have to go way over the top but you can put some in. The post could also use some work. You could put a few more pics and make a better description to help the overall presentation of your map. Like I said, I cant really judge this map but I would give it a 3/5 because it isn't that bad but dont you think it might be unfair to the Fat Kid. Especially if the fat kid only has one teleporter to exit. Couldn't that cause infinate death to the Fat Kid causing him to leave and ruining the game. I might suggest putting another teleporter if you can infact camp. From the pictures it looks like you can so i'm just suggesting so dont Take any affence to this post I am just making suggestions. The map doesnt look that bad so keep forging and keep going and improving.

    VOPOGON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, im going to have to agree... Its not that innovative, or fun.
    But, keep trying to forge better maps. Who knows, you might make one thats the one everyone wants to play on.
  10. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    i can see most people that posted there opinion mainly about fat kid and the not liking of that game lol i havnt played that game in like 6 montths
  11. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Yeah, posting a fat kid map wasn't a good idea... Not to be mean, but i don't think anyone is going to steal this map... 2 Obstacles isn't near enough. Try harder, and then Don't post it on here, even it it is better.

    Nice try though.
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Firstly, everyone on FH plays balanced infection if at all. Fat Kid can be balanced, but most people are sceptical. However, I'll try to review this without reffering to my hatred for this gametype. Looking at the pics, I can see that the teleporter that the fat kid comes through faces the wall. That makes for easy assassinations. Like the first poster said, I see no interlocking, geomerging or any sense of effort put into this lackluster map. It looks breakable, unbalanced and generally bad. Sorry, but if you want you and your maps to be respected on FH, you're going to have to put some effort in. Visit the forging 101 sub-forum for tips and tricks, or watch their videos on Youtube if you can't be arsed to read.
  13. LegitKiller99

    LegitKiller99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that zombie doesnt come through the tele he spawns in that room.
    that tele is from the one room u wanna pass with a trip mine
  14. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is not that great
    there is almost 0 merging
    no great features
    not original
    looks like it took almost no effort
    and on top of that, the post has almost zero descriptions
    if you post a map again, make sure it is up to standards
  15. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, it IS up to standards. he has at least one embedded pic, and the link is to the forums. but u are right about the description. u really should have a better description. while it is not really a serious problem, you should pay more attention to that.

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