Can I ask why Xbox Live can't institue some system where you have to send them a message with your birth cetificate on it or something, and have it set to not allow kids under the age of 13 to play on Xbox Live? Honestly, thats when I started Xbox Live, the day I turned 13.
then the little kids would ask thier parents to send it for them... anyway, that would completely shut out the kids who seem to understand basic do's and dont's of halo, of course, if kids under 10 werent allowed id be happy, because i have a 9-year old brother, crys over EVERYTHING and whenver i say im going to go do somthing, he immediately runs and grabs it, like signs on xbl... causing me getting booted, or people quitiung from my party.... heres 1 argument i had with an 6 year-old (score: Me: 20 kills Him: 4 kills) him:yo sucker im so much better at halo than you me: lolwut? him: yeah, i said it, im better Me: *starts cracking up* him: whats funny, are you retarded (amazing he knew that word..) Me: look at the score him: yeah, i have like 100 more kills then you (in social slayer?) Me: if you think your so good 1v1 me him: who cares about halo, its just some retarded game *he then left, and kept sending me messages like you suck, and cussing me out (terrebly...). another incedent went like this: i grabbed a shotgun, i knew some enimies were coming, and, a little kid killed me, grabbed shotty, and got completely pwned... to tell the truth, unless you have a 1 in 100 kid, 10- kids should stay away from halo....
I agree man. They should learn to play... and you know, I'm a pretty nice guy... and I go into a party with all 10 year olds and a 12 year old and they all mute me except for the 12. I'm like WTF?
I hate them to but really I don't care I just mute them. The only thing I hate about them is if their party leader because if you pick up a weapon they want they say "I'm going to boot you if you don't give me that weapon." Then if you don't they get pissed and boot you. That happened to me a lot so when I join a game I mute everyone else to hear if the party leaders mature or not. If its a little kid I quit.
The original poster of this thread doesn't even have the grounds to talk. He is 14. He even said he is a squeeker as well.
well if someone annoys you, just mute them. you dont have to make it a big deal and if its really annoying just leave the match. sure you might lose some sexperiance but its only one point and if its that bad so what?
actually.. he does... 14>4 but me nor him (friends) can stand playing little kids, they brag like thy got a noscope from across the map when they get a lucky kill, and call you a hacker whne you beat them... oh and when i was saying i got killed with shotgun i meant be betryed me
Lol, i personaly dont like little kids smack talking, sometimes i run into some that talk like wannabe gangsters and use slang words they made up. But realy, i mean, if a 9 year old smacked talked me in the lobby, i would say my normal, "Just Watch Your Back"....12 minutes of glory later, Lukems comes and gives me a nice dinner! On a other note, im 14 and i would realy just beat any little kid i come by on the other team. If they're on my team, i simply ask them to listion when i tell them, and 90% of the time, if you say it right, they'll do whatever you want.
I know what you mean though. Everyone is just saying mute them but during the game it's still annoying. And for people who don't like to leave because then it ruins the game and you end up loosing experience and such. But I guess that what I get for playing social.
You can't generalize and say "all little kids" (even if you did say an age limit). Some are annoying, some are not. It's the same as everyone else. They talk a bit more nonsense than you maybe, but that's why they're "little kids".
You guys realize a majority of people who play Halo without mics on and who live in the US are little kids, right? They just don't know how to talk to others. Lawl.
Then it's a good thing I live in Canada. I hate to generalize it's just that I can't stand their high pitched voices on the mic. It's unbearable. Some of them are good players but the majority of the kids that I end up playing with are annoying, counter-productive, and a plain nuicence.
yeah some little kids are annoying but some of thim arnt but if it gets to the point that you are getting pissed than just mute thim.