Plate Tectonics, is it possible? Can vast areas of land actually shift from one side of the earth to another? Scientists "claim" that all continents were once joined in one super continent known as Pangaea. They also "claim" that the earth, itself, shows evidence of Africa and South America once merged together. Scientists almost universally accept the theory but can they be trusted? These scientists say no and prove that plate tectonics is nothing but a bad religion. Before plate tectonics established itself it competed with the theory (Note, theory is used loosely here) of global expansion. The idea that the earth was expanding and causing the continents to grow further apart. Is this possible, nay probable cause of what is happening in our world? Let's teach all sides of the arguement and let the kids decide. Source: No plume for Hawaii Plate Tectonics?
Hey, i have been studing plate tectonics, and scientist do believe that all the continents were joined one time, creating a super continent called 'Pangaea' Pangaea was here 300 million years ago. But after continental drift, Pangaea was separated creating all of todays continents. there like puzzle pieces you could put ll the continents together.
*The following stuff is all my knowledge from teachers* Honestly, I believe that the earth was once one big glob. Over thousands and thousands of years the continents slowly drifted apart. One thing to support the fact is when two tactonic plates collide, an earthquake happens. Which also causes, volacones, tsuanamies, etc etc. *Sorry for spelling* I don't get what the debate is about, whether we believe that this happened or not?
What seems to baffle so many people about continential drift is the fact that the continents aren't just floating in the oceans. They're all just parts of the earth's 7-mile thick crust of rock that stick out of the water. It is hard to imagine that this shell of solid rock could just change shape. The simple fact, however, is that rock and metal are like clay on the scale of the entire earth. It is easily moldible and manipulated by the constantly moving currents of the mantle beneath the crust. Basically it's like surrounding a sphere of water with a layer of playdough about as thin as the skin of an apple and shaking it up. You're bound to see some changes in the structure.
They found Bones of the same animals in different continents so it is very possible it happened. Unless Some animal can fly from South America to Africa...
for clarification, radiant is referring to land mamalls WITHOUT WINGS. It is a very good theory in my opinion. what i like about it is the fact that the repurcussions are explained within it, like earthquakes and volcanoes. It makes too much sense to all be a lie. And really, believeing something is better than nothing. It just makes so much sense, like a puzzle, pun very much intended. Just think about how much more that theory means and you understand why it should at least be believed. Im open to believe other theories if a better one comes along, but what Radiant said and the clearness of it all makes me believe that this theory is correct. Anyone think there are holes or anything in it?
Come on guys. Aren't volcanoes and earthquakes just micro-movement? Macro-movement has NEVER been observed. Were you there when the continents were together? Didn't think so. Check Mate! The fossil thing is just a silly lie tectonists promote. Can't animals be on two continents at once? Humans are! You can find elephants in New York!
in 500,000 the continental drift will form back again. thats what an expert said so it means its not causing on wats hapening its just islands moving and forming new islands fact:every island moves 1 inch every year thats what my teacher said in social studies class
thats cause we are much more advanced. we crossed the bering strait to get in the americas. and before you say that the fossils are there becuase the animals also crossed, just think about it. they just happen to die on the coast of a continent that councidentally happens to fit perfectly with another continent, far away, where councidentaly other animals of the same kind lived and died right along the coast. i mean come on. to me its obvious that plate tectonics is real. and theres elephants in new york because we put them there for zoos. and why would scientists lie to us. i see no motivation
How do I know continental drift happened? Here's how. Honestly, I didn't realize this was disputed. I'm no scientist and I only know what I've been told on things like this, but I was told about plate techtonics in elementary school. But hey... if it's being questioned, let's find out.
God just made those animals to die there to test our faith. The earth is only 6,000 years old. The "Indians" would have had to have crossed much sooner which isn't possible! Check Mate!
True, and elephants are in New York because they were brought there. The Theory of Tectonics would make sense because the layer under the Earth's crust is molten magma. So it would seem possible that these large masses of crust could move and separate from each other. On the flipside, you could say that these large pieces of crust couldn't possibly move that far. If they did move, they would run into any of the surrounding crusts and stay in the same general area. (But that still explains why there are earthquakes; as Nitrous sad, only micro-movement has been observed.) I know I'm contradicting myself, but I just like to view both sides of the argument.
Who said plate techtonics were macro-movements? Its millimeters a year! Look at the Himilayas - Mt. Everest is growing 3 feet every year. Its 29,002 feet high. Hardly groundbreaking. The mid atlatic ridge is another testament to plate movement. Secondly, noone was around when Pengea existed, which means you werent there to prove it never existed. Check mate? Third, humans only got here and there and everywhere because we could. Think about it - are elephants and monkeys and trilobites going to build giant seafaring ships and sail across to new continents? No, they will not. Humans made it across the beiring straight because we could. Elephants and monkeys and trilobites would not because they are not resillient enough or smart enough to survive the temperature or journey. Humans are a bad example. All you need to do is look around, and you can see that we are capable of putting ourselves wherever we want to be. for those dinosaurs and monkeys and elephants and trilobites and whatever else, they couldnt. Thats why they walked two steps over to what would eventually become south america.
True. And Nitrous said that only micro-movement has been recorded. So that supports the Plate Tectonics theory even further. Because as Warlord said, these movements don't just happen overnight; they take millions of years to get where they are. (Can't believe I forgot such a simple fact.)
explain why there are mountains and why there are the bones of the same species on different continents if you say continental drift didnt happen
Scientists just SAY millions of years to confuse the stupid people into believing. God made them. ... ... Check mate! Your just biased and don't want to be held accountable for your non-moving continental sins.