
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Cheif Jarvis MLG, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    Made By: ExG Zeppelin

    This is basically a 2 base map for one flag ctf it is suposed to be fast passed but some times things get out of control o by the way if you do not like splasers do not even bother dl this map cause it has
    5x splaser but 3 of them when you get your traped
    4x brs on the defenders side gate entrance
    2x snipers on the snipe tower on defenders side
    1x warthog on defenders
    1x stationary goss at attackers
    attackers is a cool base but in my personal opinon defenders is better ^.^

    ugh the game type is you 1 flag ctf andyou spwan with a assault rifle and a pistol and the flag carrier turns pink
    and now time to insert some pics

    The Map

    The game type

    This is the defenders base

    This is the attackers base

    This is inside defenders base

    This is the gate of the defendres base

    This is another link just incase you missed the first 1
    the map
    this is the gametype incase you miseed the first 1

    That is the map i hope you like it ^.^
    For the community of forge hub thanks for the complaints i added better definiton of map and i cleaned my maps up a good bit so ty

  2. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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  3. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Please put the dl link into the first post, do not double post. You can do this by clicking the EDIT button in the bottom right corner.

    The map: I think it is too open, but the geomerging in the corner looks great. The design is boring and not really creative. But for the geomerging: 3/5
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The geo-merging is'nt straight in the 3rd and 4th picture. The interlocking is sloppy and the bridges could have been interlocked. Two gun turrets are also bad for the defenders, at least have one in Asymmetric games, that's what I do to make it even. The attackers base could have more pictures of the inside please, would it hurt to have more than 4 pictures. Interlocking could be neater, a V2 is what I think you should make. 3.25/5
  5. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    how is this a mini game? it's just ctf with slightly different setting for the color of the flag carrier and the secondary starting weapon... Not to mention I can see a way out of the map in the first picture.
  6. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    This is not that bad of a map. I like the 3 interlocke stairs and how they come together nicely. The geomerging is also nice. I would probably add a little more cover as it does look a little bit open but it is not that bad. The bases are creative and help this map very nicely. overall this is a very good map and worthy of a download. my only question is it in the right section? It seems as though it might work out better in the casual section where more of these types of maps are found. It could also do pretty wellin the competitive section. It doesnt really matter, as I have seen flag type games in the minigame section before. This is a well made map and a 5/5 for me.

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