The Review

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Smeagle, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    The Review

    I'm back with the review, and better than ever. This time, I am much more organized, and responsible. I have even chosen the best reviewers I could find to help me on this venture.​

    Here, you can request to be part of the team using our form, submit your maps for review, review members can schedule sessions, and just talk about the team in general.

    Team Leaders:
    Smeagle [Smeagleton]

    Senior Members:

    Full Members:

    Junior Members:

    Recruit Members:
    The Official Y35 [LI I III II I]
    About 6 Bushmen
    OtherDark *

    *List properties courtesy of Insane54*

    -------This section for reviewers only------

    Now, I expect the utmost commitment from you guys. So, that means, you must show up to scheduled sessions, or else you may lose a star. Of course, a reasonable excuse may pardon you.​

    As for the star system, you receive one for each time you complete, and post a review. Simple as that. But, make sure to post the review on the map itself. Then, send me a PM or visitor message, with the permalink to the post.

    For scheduled sessions, post your date and time here, with your time zone. Then, other members, just post if you will be available.

    Application Form:

    • Availability
    • Promptness
    • Knowledge of Forge
    • Verbal Abilities
    • Fairness
    • Gamertag
    • Time Zone

    Submission Form:

    • Map Name
    • Link to Map
    • Preffered Reviewer [optional]

    #1 Smeagle, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, first review! I would like you to review:


    I don't really mind who reviews it, I just want a good review.

    And can you let me know how long it takes for a map to be reviewed?

    (Good times playing Brute Burnout today too :D)
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great, we've got one right off the bat! And to answer your question on time, it may be a week or more. My members need to be alerted of the start, and then we will need to work out times. But, probably not more than two weeks. Thanks for requesting!

    EDIT: Good times with Brute Burnout indeed.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey you think you could rate my map sanskrit v2.
    ( its in my sig just click )

    Its a 1 on 1 map btw
  5. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can review this one with you smeagle if you want?
  6. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just curious, how is it decided who reviews what map? Is it random, a map gets assigned to someone, or someone gets to choose like OtherDark did above me?
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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  8. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am on at least a few hours a day.
    I get things done right away.
    At least base knowledge of every aspect.
    I am good at sentance structure and speaking to other people.
    I'm fair to all game types buy I can be very strict when it comes to infection. I don't like them convoy chases on sandtrap.
    Sn1p3r K1Ilx
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, remember the days of the Marvel Map Review...
    I think I still am subscribed to it, lol.

    Well, I'll hand you guys my most recent of maps to review.
    Be as blunt and as honest as you please, I am willing to listen.

    Map: Squared Circle
    Creator: Linubidix
    Preferred Reviewer: Smeagle. But I'm not fussed if someone else does it.
  10. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't bother un-subscribing Linou, it will never be posted in again. lolz. As for you OtherDark, I will surely review Sanskrit with you. Since it's a one on one, and you are eager to get some reviews done, it will be great for both of us.

    Now, onto an interest point brought up by Linou via private message. I would like all further submissions to have map links included in the post. None of this "it's in mah sig" bull. It will run much smoother, and will clean up the thread.

    As for Maverick, I will attempt to get a small game together later on today. Anyone up for it? And Linou, I will get to Squared Circle as well, expect it finished by Sunday.
  11. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

    Likes Received:
    I helped review Sanskrit 1,
    can I be of help?
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Doubles and 3v3s are best for Maverick, don't play 4v4s.
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    here was my review on Sanskrit V2
    And ill take up a review on Vortex if you'd like?

    The Review on...
    SANSKRIT V2 by eguitarplaya33

    The map was a sight to see aesthetics on
    this map were very much up to standards. The map
    was basically unbreakable since the whole map was
    suspended on Double and Single boxes. It hit the
    gravity barrier. I tested this out with Smeagleton (Smeagle)
    and honestly, we got quite bored after 15 points went up
    on the scoreboard. The map is more for looks then
    amazingly stupendous gameplay.​

    Aesthetics on this map were again, Epic Win.
    I was riveted when I first say the maps clean
    interlocking, large towers, and especially the bunker
    made of signs and barriers. I personally liked the way
    you made the firebomb and frag grenade sit on a window
    panel. That was very creative but I question putting it
    next to a Mauler. The 'V' wall corner was very cool.
    You could easily jump up on it and get an advantage
    over your opponent. Some things I didnt really like though
    were your abundance of barrels and crates. It was kind of a
    hassle getting through all the debris.
    Aesthetic Score: 7.6/10

    The layout for Sanskrit V2 resembled TDHarding's "Paragon."
    It goes in an L shape and has boxes interlocked perfectly as
    if they were some sort of pillar. I liked the layout but I really
    do not think that they accomadated the maps gameplay
    very accurately. Putting the Custom powerup in the direct
    center probably would have been a good idea. Not to
    mention changing the spawn time on it from 30 seconds to
    90 or 120 seconds. There was a small tunnel in the middle
    which I especially liked. It wasnt to big just so you couldnt
    camp so that made the map all the more better to play on.
    The sign bunker was the main aesthtic feature I liked. You could
    use the top and bottom which was very original.
    Layout Score: 7.3/10

    On the otherhand, Gameplay on Sanskrit V2 was kind of a
    drag. We played 1v1 just like you said but I just wished you
    could have changed the Sans Slayer Variant to 15 points
    to win. The game hobbled along and got sluggish after 15
    points. The equipment spawns and weapon spawns were
    extremely fast. I took a Custom Powerup and died 30
    seconds later, only to find that it was there before my
    eyes once again. There are every single type of grenade
    on the map which made it kind of a bother to flip through
    frag, plasma, spike, and incidiary. Spawns worked fairly well.
    A small tweak wouldnt do any harm, but then again, it
    wouldnt matter since wherever you spawn you are closeby.
    Spawn Camping was the main problem though. The main
    spawns could easily be camped due to the large pillars you
    have standing in the middle. Overall I didnt like the gameplay
    as much as I though I would. It fell below my expectations.
    Gameplay Score: 6.2/10

    The overall map was good but just border-line of good.
    I really think it could have been better. I loved the layout
    and aesthetics but I really think it needs a hella lot more
    of adjusting; weapon, spawn, and equipment wise. I
    enjoyed the map but not completely due to its rather turtle
    like gameplay. After all, it is 1v1. Not many people like to
    waste around playing a single person. The spawn camping
    was my main turn off. I suggest lowering the pillars and
    taking the brute shot off of them because they make
    camping a bother since the line of sight on the map
    was so good, you could snipe a person through the bunker
    towards their spawn point. Overall, I would give this map
    a just above average. I really hope you dont get offended
    by this review because I still think this map has a nice, unique
    twist to it.
    Overall Score: 6.9/10

    Reviewed By: OtherDark
    Review Testing By: OtherDark, Smeagle (Smeagleton)
    Note to Leader: Long enuff for joo guy? :D

  14. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #15 Soup & More, Oct 27, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  15. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Application Form:

    • Availability
    Every hour on the weekend, Weekdays I'm very flexible, usually just tired.
    • Promptness
    • Knowledge of Forge
    Come on Smeagle baby...You know.
    • Verbal Abilities
    I sometimes mumble but I don't know, Smeagle can judge this.
    • Fairness
    I tell people if there maps suck or are good, no favoritism, its teh interwebz...
    • Gamertag
    Furry x Furry
    • Time Zone
  16. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Smeagle if you dont have time due to your farcry 2 **** lol i could review squared circle. I did a forgethrough and a game on Vortex but truly honestly i didnt feel like reviewing it because it was kinda :(
  17. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #18 ForgeGod117, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  18. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it would be better if you guys would actually submit your maps with the actual template we put up.
  19. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
    Senior Member

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