Yet neither Bungie nor Xbox live can enforce the Modded content rule. Modded content in Halo 3 is like Modded content in Halo PC its making the game better unlike the mods in Halo 2 which were used and abused in matchmaking . Mods ARE a GOOD thing if used to improvegameplay where Bungie failed to deliver. We should have been able to choose any starting weapon on any map in Halo 3 and the only way is to use mods. The sad thing is its only one "0" in the code that doesnt allow us to have what ever weapons we wanted to spawn with. I have seen only good modding[excluding the pic mods] in Halo 3 and I think most new modders are like the ones from Halo PC which improved the game. Whats wrong with modded gametypes?
Ok, ok knock it off. Next person to talk about Modded content will be infracted. He posted against the rules, but he fixed it. Consider this a combination of 2 warnings. 1. Spamming will be infracted. 2. Modded content will be banned. Keep it on topic from here on out. And while I can't monitor this post 24/7, if anyone feels this topic is going off on a tangent again, please report said user(s). Edit: 2 things, first I encourage the originator of this thread to remove the modded pics to avoid any more confusion, and second I am letting Sage's comment slide since I believe he was writing it while I was posting this.
this is my last response and then im done yes that your opinion and it is still not the rules so you cant stop anything or inforce anything. FH mods are the boss not you so you cant do anything about the modded content rule if you want to complain go the coustomer service thread and talk to them there. kthnxbai EDIT: typed and posted before creeping so i didnt see that
stop spamming this thread. You all keep telling each other to stop spamming by spamming right after. I ought to infract you all. You're like the girls on the view.
Alright, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, because I know everyone is thinking it... It's spelled "Flammable". There, I said it. Aside from the flaming spam fest (haha... hahaha... ha... ok not that funny), this seems kinda entertaining. I'm talking about the UNMODDED version with the one Flamethrower in the middle. Basically, it's a fairly well-built pile of explosives with fire grenades and a flamethrower in the middle. Where can you go wrong? Sounds like a great lobby-game to me =) This would be kidna cool to pass the time while waiting for your party to fill up (how many maps have I said that about now... ?). However, that's about it. I think very few people would derive extended fun or joy from this before moving on to, dare I say it, a real game. Looks fun for a short burst of hilarious...ness. However, it's well built hilariousness. Rating for your unmodded version of the map: 3.5/5. Try to add some more depth or... less boom. That middle hallway is just a death machine =X
ok now that the modded dispute is over. My short review: map looks good and well made the design is also unique and the intentions of this map make it seem fun. i too have the flamethrowers gametype but i only use it for machinima but i may try it out with this map just once.