Hill of Sighs Created by Scardypoopoo [br] -Supported Gametypes:Slayer, Team Slayer, Multi-flag, Assualt, Territories, One Flag, One Bomb, Neutral Bomb, KOTH [br] -Map Description- Hill of Sighs was designed with a completive game types in mind. It's on foundry but it doesn't use the entire map space. I took the open space and started building on the far side opposite the hallway area, which I blocked off. It is symmetrical and shaped like a U. (See Pictures Below to Get Better Idea) At the "curve" of the "U" is where the hill is and where a key holding point is. While this map is designed for symmetrical type games such as multi-flag and assualt, it can also plays well with Team Slayer. (It is also set up for Slayer, One Bomb, Netural Bomb, One Flag, Territories and KOTH.) Because I didn't want the hill to be the only way across the map, I built a tunnel sort of thing, that you must crouch to enter, that snakes along right into the side of the opponents base. There is also a handy mauler waiting in the tunnel. The one other feature of the map is the path leading towards the flag/bomb spot. By taking a stairway near the "Hill" you can sneak right above the flag/bomb spot. This tunnel does not require you to crouch though. Use the flash located in the tunnel to enable a quick getaway. Additional Information 1x Power Drainer 1x Bubble Sheild 1x Regenerator 2x Flash 1x Rockets (1 spare clip) 1x Mauler (1 spare clip) 1x Overshield +other weapons and grenades [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Map Overview [br] Side View of the Hill [br] View of one base and view of Larger Tunnel Entrance [br] Entrance to smaller tunnel. [br] Watch out for the Sneaky Snakes!!! [br] Starting Spawn Area and Bomb/Flag Spawn Area and Larger tunnel with Flash [br] Epic [br] We must take the hill!!!! [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thanks to all who helped me test this map. [br] Download Hill of Sighs [br]
yea testing this map on all the gametypes was so fun. Holla at me when u get a game going on this Great map awsome job
Hey thanks for the positive feedback. I spent the most time I've spent on a map with this one. It took me a while to get the hill right. I tried a lot things like having it curve around using interlocking objects but it was just too hard to get it smooth, it looked messy and what I have now works fine.
Im glad you posted this Scardy. I remeber testing it with you. I like how theres two ways you can get to flag the crouch basement which is dangerous or the hill which is also dangerous lol. Great job.
Yeah... I remember playing this map with scardypoopoo before it was published. It's a great map for CTF.