Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by XERAXES, Feb 23, 2008.


    XERAXES Ancient
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    Sup. I'm pretty much here to introduce a rather old map which I've had (and tweaked) for a long time.
    It's a remake of the Tower of Power map in Halo 2; and one of the most successful maps I've had. It's a very simply map and but one that requires a bit more teamwork then the previous one.

    The map itself does not have a lot of objects hanging around it, and aside from the tower, the rest of the map is very simple.


    Here is an overview of the Tower. Here you can see both turrets, the main entrance, a bit of the bottom entrance, the side entrance, and a crate in the side which allows you to jump on the top ledge.


    Here is the main turret, it covers the main playing field, and with a good turn even the side man cannon.


    Here is theside turret, this turret can pretty much cover most of the top field as well, but it's there primarily to stop people trying to man-cannon across.


    This is the main entrance, and where most of the battles for the tower will be fought. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the bottom entrance, but it has a fusion rod in terms of a final desperate means of defense for the team with the tower.


    This is the side entrance, it has a fusion rod as well, and is a good way to sneak up on the base when most of the fighting in in the bottom entrance.

    Now for some basic points:

    - This map may be small, but it supports the game very well. As I said you'll need good teamwork to hold the map because now there are 2 turrets needed to defend you. It may seem confusing the first time, but you'll easily get the hang of it.

    - One problem that may seem obvious is people ripping off the turrets. But don't worry about it. The turrets themselves may seem like an advantage to carry around at first, but there are several disadvantages to them:
    () As I said the map is small, and the tower is even smaller, having a big bulky turret that is slow in starting up may give you some cheap shots, but in the end it will not save you from shotguns.
    () The turrets take a while to respawn, unless you stay up top with your turret and hold them off, you're screwed. People will immediately realize the tower doesn't have a turret and pretty much race into the field. They can just jump directly to the top of the tower as well.
    () Even if you try to go outside the tower, you'll still be killed because of the erratic spawn locations and the tight quarters. Also, because of the map's size, the tower changes hands VERY quickly.

    - Some of you may suggest I put some equipment in the map, I've tried that. Nearly all the equipment give the the team is massive unfair advantage.

    - Secret weapons like SMGs or even pistols pretty much ruin the game.

    - Communication is key. Talk to your teammates! They're gonna be pissed if someone shotguns them from behind while they're on the turret because no one warned them.

    So anyway...


    (And feel free to post comments)


  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    hhhmmm I think that many people wouldnt really like the map only because everyone has a remake of it. And with Foundry, everyone is always trying to come up with something new and unique with previous Halo 2 multiplayer games like zombies, cat and mouse, Tremors,etc.Not sure about this map.

    XERAXES Ancient
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    Well in all fairness, as I previously said this map is pretty old. In fact I made only a short while after the game released. I tweaked it a lot, but it's been a while since I touched up on it. I've seen a LOT of other ToP maps and have used all of them to give new ideas to this map.

    A lot of the other ToP maps themselves weren't even at all like the original one on ascension. In my opinion this one comes very close to the original feel of the old ToP. I've gotten some good reviews sent to me too. That's why the map also has over 600 Downloads.

    I also tried to make a ToP map on Foundry. However at the time I hadn't learned all the tricks so I actually ended up making a totally different map.

    I oh and I completely forgot to mention, I have another version of this map that is specifically made for objective type games. However I don't have that on my fileshare.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Don't double post again. This post is very basic and not worth anyone's time and you obviously know that because you are so desperate that you have double posted twice. Do not even think about replying to my reply because I'm sick of your bumping. I also will be notifying a moderator about your rule breaking. - Brute Captain
  5. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Further double posting results in a warn.

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