First, everything in 3d was ugly (Blinking, strange lines over it), so I could not play halo. After 1 week in England, it worked fine, until I joined Deathtoll77. Sry, I turned the xbox off after I joined, But after trying to turn it on, I got one red light and E 74. I found out that I do not get the message without the TV cable. Any suggestions?
I just tried another cable. Doesn`t work. Someone on xbox support wrote that he had exactly the same problem, and that it is the dvd drive. I have to have it repaired . :cry::cry: no xbox for a couple of weeks. NOOOOOOOO
The heck? Then the internet is a waste of time, and you're on the internet. Therefore, you're wasting you time. If you know that, then you know that your life is completely worthless. Because you doing something that's worth your time won't effect anybody in the slightest bit, except to relieve everyone of their stress from an annoying little ten year old. So now you know your life is pathetic, small, and insignificant.
After I saw that he had 220 posts, I got the feeling that the person who wrote this is not the person who owns this account...
Believe it or not, that is actually the person who wrote that, i think he got sick and tired of respect or something, him and yomtvraps got the same agreement, its actually kind of funny
I got the same E-74 message, I tried hooking up my xbox without hard drive, still had it. tried detaching and then attaching cables, still had it. I ended up sending it out for repairs today. Just send it out, it sounds busted