Hello! Thios map is all about the hiding and the tactics and the blahoughin! As Bill Cosby would say! This map will send you at the edge of your game chair!!!!! There will start out with one zombie! Tell the zombie that you will throw a signle greanade when you alls is ready! Then After the grenade is throw...u better hope u well hidden! Pics. Overview. First One Down! Fooled That Zombie! If you find these maps not made by either DevineEquiates, LegitKiller99, or Bungie. Report us for immitators Links: Gametype> Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Map>Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is only part 1 in the series!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless this was deliberate, i would suggest changing your title to "Jungle Gym" Because... you don't spell it "Jim". Please try to embed those pictures.
Welcome to ForgeHub! It appears that you are unfamiliar with the standards of this site. Please visit the FH Customer Service; it is sure to answer all of your questions. Also, it appears you don't know how to embed screenshots. If so, please visit here.
Your picture links aren't working. Are you trying to link directly from bungie.net? You need to save your pictures to your computer (or a jump drive or something), then upload them to a hosting site like Photobucket. From there, use the direct link text given and embed your screenshots using the icon at the top of the typing prompt. Not entirely sure if this is what you're doing wrong... Regardless, pics don't work. Fix please or a mod will lock your thread =) EDIT: Wow, we all posted within a minute of each other. Go us