i made a map on foundry and i blocked off the area with the 2 bases and the hallway completely where u cant get through using a person or editor mode.. and i was wandering y i kept spawning there when there was no spawn points in there and there were in the other part.. so if u no can u let me no plz? ty
Make sure you go through all the gametypes and move/delete the starting points. Also make sure there are no respawn areas back there. If you still have problems just put a teleporter. Halo spawning is stupid sometimes. Also, check this thread to learn more about respawns. Specifically respawn areas. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=4318.0
As Wakko was asking, don't worry about it if you're spawning outside of your map's area in Forge mode. Happens all the time and you just need to start a new round maybe up to a couple of times to get into your maps play area. for some reason the Bungie hidden emergency spawns are used more frequently when Forging. And like Neverless was saying, definitely check out the link for more goodness and use the hell out of those respawn areas. Since you have a smaller layout, put one large respawn area around your map then proceed to add smaller ones in various spots within the confines of your map. It will make the predictability of where you respawn drop significantly.
I don't know. When I'm in Forge, all I usually have to do is place one respawn point somewhere inside my map and I will spawn there the whole time I'm working. That's when I'm using a canvas map, though. Maybe download the canvas maps?
i guess wat i was reffering back to was bungie500 where theres like 10 spawn points and other team or not u still spwan there howd they do that?