How To Go Under Foundry

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GuardianDuo, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. GuardianDuo

    GuardianDuo Ancient
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    I've known this for a long time, and now I've finally been motivated enough to post it on the Internet.

    NOTE: 99.99% chance that you may not be able to spawn objects under the map. It's still fun to splatter people, though.

    Step 1: Spawn a solid Double Box (not the open one). Set "Respawn at Start" to NO. Set respawn time to 180. Set "Runtime Minimum" to 0.

    Step 2: Start a new round and spawn a warthog near the edge of the soon-to-be Double Box.

    Step 3: Turn the "Runtime Minimum" to the same amount as the "Runtime Maximum" and quickly get into the warthog's driver seat.

    Step 4: Your screen will look like this as you get pushed under. Quickly turn into Forge Mode/Monitor when you see this (may have to wait a second).

    Step 5: 1st Person View will look like this.

    Step 6: Spawn stuff and splatter people, laughing at them as they helplessly flee.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I'm the "007" underground^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    do you die if you move around too much?
  3. GuardianDuo

    GuardianDuo Ancient
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    Not unless you go to the other side of the map, or go anywhere that looks dangerous. DANGER=DEATH.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    You dont have to get in a vehicle for this to work.
    All you have to do is put the box on 10 second respawn then stand in that area as a human then as soon as it spawns move left and right very fast, then turn into monitor
  5. 3volution

    3volution Ancient
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    I figured this out by accident when I was in the wrong place force spawning a box.

    You'll die if you stray out of the map area. This works on other maps too.
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    You can get objects down there...someone found that out awhile ago.

    Do the same thing, but when the box spawns on an object, pick up the object, and it basically geo-merges, but it goes all the way through.

    Save/Quit and it'll stay...

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