This montage is way more improved than the first one,no repetitive effects,a better song,and awesome clips.Enjoy,subscribe,comment and rate please! Utube channel:
Well, 15 seconds of the opening title, with thirty random effects wanted to make me shut it off, but I kept watching, and then BOOM 10 effects for the first second of the beginning clip. Otherwise, I'd like to see some more BR-ing, less sniping, and less assassinations, because those predominantly occupied your Montage. Plus, it looked like you were just playing against complete and utter noobs, who just sat there sniping, while you kept plucking them off with a sniper/assassination therefore, just do more BRing, as it takes a lot more skill
Wow, you are very good at halo 3 your very good with the sniper and br combinations. I can see you have gotton plenty of overkills in your time with halo NIce job personally I didnt like the music tho
Work on the transitions more... I didn't see one good transition in there. And that's really irritating to watch. Also, when you're recording, be sure to turn off notifications on XBL, it'll make it look a lot cleaner and more professional.
There were too many shotgun kills in there for my taste, and the intro was too long. But a few unbelievable clips were in there, too, like the double mongoose noscope. 4/5
nice job opening title though is just annoying, although i did like the first effect nice song too: into the fire by disturbed only one thing, not exactly the best thing to put yourself dying in a montage, otherwise nice
THe clips were metiocre. Not to be mean or anything. I just dont think you got the clips to make a good montage. Most were like No-scopes and triple kills. And Disturbed has been used way to much in montages these days.
Ive thought about it and stop pointing out flaws so much its annoying alot of people just do that to act cool but if somebody already pointed out a flaw then dont point it out aagain,its really irritating.
The montage was subpar. I wasn't that impressed with it. Your editing was alright, I guess, but your clips weren't. They seemed to be mostly kills off of people that either sucked or were standing still or you killed them from behind. Your video was WAY to short. It should be called a minitage not a montage. 3/5
To be honest, i think you are being too generous. Heavy metal music rarely does a montage justice, in fract, it never does a montage justice. In montages, like in Forge, you should try and be individual, and try and create your own style. Don't just stick your favourite song in there, think of something creative. Broaden your horizons.
When you said 10 effects,it really wasnt,it was all one effect,and can you at least give my montage some credit instead of being so OCD about some flaws.