Hi, I'm pyremius... I just love this name because it is a very unknown god. He is the god of fire, murder, and poison... A lot of people can't pronounce my name, it's pie-ray-me-us... or if you are lazy you can just call me pie I wanted to join this site because this site has such good ideas in it and I would love to have people who support me to help me out with the rating of my maps. I don't make very many maps, but I think that I have some really ''different'' ideas, and I know how it would work, I just need some tips on my ideas to make the gameplay smoother. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I personally like minigame maps, because they are normally very creative... I love forging on halo 3, not necessarally make maps, just try out new ideas... I also have a very weird talent... I love to pogo stick. Yea thats right, I pogo, and I'm pretty good at it, trick-wise... my best trick on the pogo is where I jump over the handle bars, in mid-air, and then land in reverse (jumping with pogo behind you). I'm 14 years old and I live in good ol' Iowa. My parents are pretty strict about predators and what-not so I won't be able to give a picture of me or anything, sorry... I can't wait to start getting recognized on this site and have a great time, mabye even get one of my maps featured... Mabye you guys/girls could show me where the posting a map rules are, because for some reason the sticky post in this introduction section with the link to the forum rules doesn't work for me... Thanks! (man that was a lot of typing for my first post )
Why hello there Pie. Welcome to Forgehub, Be sure to read the rules right now before you post again so you don't get in trouble early. For tips on making your map better, go to the Forging 101 section and read the threads there. Here's a link to the Forging 101 section and the rules: Forging 101 Rules
Hi there =] If you need any help with anything in the forums you can ask me =D i hope you enjoy your time here, welcome! :3
welcome to FH Pyremius! i accually knew how to pronounce your name before i read how to. If you need anyhelp u can just ask me, also map posting rules are stickied in the Halo Forge Maps forums
welcome, i am chief wiggum 00, but you may call me chief, i have been here for a long time, longer than lots of popular people, but i have very few posts... heres a suggestion, dont be like me. k?
sup! i Hope you have a great time here on forge hub if you want to know some basic or advance forge methods you should check the forge 101 thread