Its a Q! Created by HomerSPC Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KOTH Map Description So, my newest map is... Well, a Q! I dont really know how I started out anymore, but I believe I was going to make a giant platform for a mini-game. Turns out I was bored enough to make the plans, and only do this much. After I made this map, I think I am tired of floating stuff, Interlocking stuff, and Geo-merging because everytime I did it, I seemed to screw it up some how later in the map. So, yea. Now on to the map. It is basically a giant Q floating above the big part of Foundry. There are at least 4 ways up, but people can get up alot more with a deployable Grav-lift on the map, making for pretty good KOTH. There is only two places known that the ghost on the map cannot drive into... Sue me. The power weapons with exception of the sword spawn late into the game, at around 3 minutes to keep people from being too overwhelmed with weapons at the start. I'm not saying exactly where they are, but I'll just say that the Sniper is in a small cave, and the lazer is behind destroyable cover. So yea, on to the pictures (Please read the note at the end of this post... Thanks) _________________________________________________ Sword "Bridge" Side Overview One Side of the Q The Pillar Structure. The lazer and grav lift spawn in this picture. Basically one of the ground bases. I just wanted a pic of this to show the layout of this side. The other side of the Q... As you can see, the Q is the same on each side, compared to whats below the Q The ghost, man cannon up, and the middle bridge structure. _________________________________________________ Ok sorry about the lack of pictures and description. I am stuck on an internet that is as slow as Dial-up, so uploading pictures made me want to kill someone. I'm glad I got through getting two. I'll be adding more pictures whenever I can, so just be patient. If you really want to see it, just download. I mean you always can remove it. Or, if you feel helpful, could you go here and get the pictures for me. You would get a cookie, and a big pile of Rep... Download Its a Q! Credits: Me - For being Myself. xFr1ct10nx - Weapon placements Trifslap - Uploading the pictures for me.
Might I suggest embedding your pictures on a friend's computer. Maybe it'll be faster and less stressful. From what I can see it looks like clean interlocking. Sorry I couldn't download and review, my mom took my Xbox away so I will rate it when I go to a friend's house and play or something.
Looks like it could be good but I can't really tell. Sorry about you're computers problems, but maybe you could upload more pics at a later date?
I can't really. I'm away from where I live and the only thing my grandparents have is really really slow internet and a computer than I believe has viruses on it School Computers are useful for things other than Pr0nz, you know. I'll try to upload the rest by Monday or Tuesday.
lol thats what this map reminds me of but as for the map its self i reall lke it i played it a bit i thought it was fun but i wont keep it for ever. plus i dont think the picture are as good as they could be. but all you need is one so nice job any way.
Please read my post before you say anything about the pictures. Im posting this from a very slow internet that will disconnect if I try to download/upload anything. I was lucky to get two pictures, and sadly they aren't the ones that were the defining features of the map.
Hey! glad to see you finally got it posted you first competitive map. I enjoyed helping/giving you advice/testing it with you. i like your interlox on the bottom pic, espeacially right next to that part of the pic(out of view). My only complaint, and its not your map, its ur post; is that you could add a few more pics, but oh well. you could also add a few more gametypes, but thats fine too. your spawns are decent and your creativity of the map is really good. Overall i'd give the map a 3.75/5 i really like it, but add a bit more cover to the bottom floor. Oh and welcome to the competitive section.....May neptune have mercy on your soul.
Naptune? I worship Mars! MUHAHAHAHA! [/romangods] Yea Friction, I'm gonna post the rest of the pics sometime soon when I can no kill somone everytime my internet cuts out. The bottom floor I believe has good cover. The reason there is none in the middle is because if you fall, you will most likely di, so its kinda punishment for getting out of a battle quickly.
The rep is useless nowadays, I would get a huge +0 rep Now hurry up and get me that cookie I expect it on my desk by Friday 3:20 at the latest
repped anyways, just as an extra pat on the back... The cookie will be fresh made tomorrow, and shipped to you that same day. Thanks man.
ooh, ooh i made half of the third pic! ya, that is the part with awesome interlocking i was telling y'all about. and i had the idea of putting the ghost re-doing my overall score, i give it a 4/5 YAY!! and forget the cookie, i want he +0 rep, lolz
Oh, hey, you know, i just thought of something. What if there was like a hill that you had to climb with a ghost, and if you got to the top first you'd win? That'd be fun. You know, you could like have them bumping eachother and stuff.
You know, that would be pretty fun, but why did you post it here? I saw no revelance of that to my map.
Well it's because you mentioned the ghost and just the way the map kept climbing made me think of it. Sorry for going a little off topic. The map does look cool though. I think that the idea of the entire map consisting of walking on double boxes is cool. Maybe I'll use that in a map someday.
Well, you don't really have to walk on just boxes, but it would be the best, because the ground dosen't really have much cover.