ok for those of you that have seen my other maps i call them by what im doing right now on the computer. gaia my brother was on www.gaiaonline.com. beaver creek i was playing halo 2. and barracuda i was listening to the song by Heart. this one i was on you tube watching shosh. now for the map. Smosh Smosh This map is a veary basic map. it is in a shape of a E mirror. so some thing like this... __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ any way the map is small (like the rest of my maps) But this happens to have two floors. Unlike the rest of my maps. Any way i would like to show off my map smosh. i will have a longer description soon i dont have the time right now. Edit: Ok so this is the desciption. the map is small. there are few weapons. power weapons include sword and rockets. the map has two floors and there both really basic. i dont think this map is that good but i thought that i should pot ot any way because it looks fun for 4-8 players. but as for one of a kind type o thing i have open boxes in the floor geomerged so far that the only thing keeping it out of the ground all the way is some man cannons put into the box before i even started to merge the box. and i never moved the cannons. I also keep a few under one of them, for looks. any way as for the game play, it is really powerfull and fast pase for a quick start ahead try to take over the high ground where the rockets are. weapons on map include, two needlers, one spiker, one plasma rifle, one sword, one rocket, one SMG. That is basicly it if you want to know any thing more please ask. now for the only thing you look at. Smosh
First Post! This map is amazing! The interlocking is clean and the layout of the map reminds me of epitaph. 4/5 i do have one question though: What gametypes work with the map? all of them or just a couple? Im queing for DL right now! great map!
thanks im not really proud of this map. but form what you say i geuss this is a good map. but yes all game types will work. also there is one thing that wont work. jug. games that include going from point to points will not work.
dam this is some clean interlocking and geo-merging!!! i will definitly have 2 dl it looks pretty good why would you say you wernt that proud of this map??? i think it is a great map and everyone should definitly download it i know its simple but its cool!!!
Very clean interlocking and Geo-merging. Looks very tight from what I can tell. The way the pics were arranged it was a little bit odd, and the pics didn't really show off the map My suggestion is to add a weapon list and a diagram of how the map works, but you said you would be adding more at a latter date so I'm not pressing the issue, lol. Sep7aPhobia
odd pics but once i downloaded it and plaeyed it with some friends it was an excellent map. i dont know why you wouldnt post this map. nice geo-merging.
Looks pretty sweet from the pictures..This may be your best map yet. I like the fact that it is multi-leveled. I have one question, why did you name this map after the famous youtuber, Smosh?? Just PM me because I dont get informed about the replies. Hope to see more maps from you!
Looks good, but the sword may be a problem. In this small a map, it might just be a who-can-*****-the-sword-for-the-longest competition. Other than that it looks very clean. Btw, you posted one of your pictures twice.
even though the pics are zoomed in waaaay to much, i think i understand the layout of this map, it looks really clean, and the best thing about it : its balanced!!! (i think) good job 8.9/10
thanks i really like how this map turned out. but as for the zoomed in pictures all i did was save use photobucket then posted them thats it. plus it takes a lot less time!