The Overlook

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Cheif Jarvis MLG, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    The Overlook
    The Overlook is a map that is a tower with 3 floors the point is to take the flag from the top and get into the bottom it is a fast pased game type of CTF in my opinion is very fun so yea

    Sorry the pictures arnt that well the map is a close quarters map so it was a little tricky geting the pics in

    This is the attackers base

    This is the defenders they spawn on the top

    This is a cool screenshot

    I hope the pictures came out good

    The map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    The Game Type : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Really hope you think it is ok and that the gameplay is good
    and i really hope i posted right

    Made By: ExG Zeppelin
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    I would suggest you add more of a description of how you play on the map, and clean up the top floor.. I would really like better pics of how to get from top to bottom..
    Edit: Yet! first post ftw..
    Yeah. If you would like, I could get on mah xbox right now and help you fix it.. add me: Skanky Toast
  3. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    Basically, clean it up
    the top floor especially is sloppy and the floor is uneven
    also, do u have a picture of the middle floor? cuz thet would b nice.
    neways, just put up more pics of map and more info, cuz the post is a little plain.
  4. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    All right then the way you play is it is 1 flag game variant and the top is were the flag spawns and you have to jump in holes that i mad throughout the floors to get to the next the middle i just a room with 2 crates in it and i know it is sloppy i tjrew it together in like 30 mins so yea
  5. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    i think it is a very cool map the interlocking is very clean however the top floor is a bit dirty i suggest you clean also add some pics of of how you get to the bottom floor i like the weapon placement but i dont think its worth a dl im not saying its not good its that i got 73 maps on my hdd and alot of them i really need
  6. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    This is not that bad of a map. It does seem as though it would have very fast paced gameplay trying to score the flag for your team. The post could have been a little longer but I understand, if the map is close cornered then it is very hard to get good pics of your map. from the pictures I see that you are good at interlocking but not very well at geomerging. This is fine! Most minigame maps that I see are just as good without the geomerging then if they had them. It looks like your map is uncheatable and that is one of the main reasons to geomerge. This looks like a lot of fun and a 4.5/5 and a download from me. Good map.

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