Predator Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by nealsaviking, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    The Predator Awakening

    I have recently begun a chain of maps that are specifically made for the Predator gametype, based off of the Predator movies. I was having great success in the testing but my role was ended when I acquired the Red Ring of Death:(. Predator makes some of the best games I've ever played. Through this post I hope to revive/spread the play of the predator maps, hence The Predator Awakening.

    I want all of you forgers to join me in creating more maps for the Predator gametype and make it a well-known community game. Hopefully we can eventually get it on the TGIF's.

    For those of you who are unfamiliar with the gametype, it is in my File Share and can easily be downloaded. There are also two Predator maps in my FS, one made by me, that you can also download and use to learn the gameplay. Basically, there is one zombie, or Predator.
    The Predator has a Laser and a Sword. The Predator has good camo too. He is weak so he must use stealth and the element of surprise to his advantage. he has an enhanced radar, so don't try hiding.
    The Humans all spawn together, starting with a BR and a shotgun. They are also weak. The key is sticking together, but not too close. Always keep moving and search for that little red light. One headshot kills him and if he dares to use his sword, the shotgun will kill him at close range.
    The winner--Predator killer, or Predator(if he killed everyone)--is the next Predator. This can be changed if somebody is too good as a Predator.

    Map Standards:
    The standards are not high, despite the length of the list.

    • Interlocking isn't necessary, but is still welcomed.
    • There must be high ground and cover for the Predator!
    • Humans must spawn together in a corner of the map or some kind of enclosed space.
    • The Predator must spawn at the opposite end of the map from the Humans spawn.
    • Scatter debris around the map (ie. cones, barrels, pallets) so the Humans can see the Predator as he sneaks up on for the assassination (that is expected only from skilled humans).
    • NO SHIELD DOORS!:surprise:mg:
    • Do not allow the humans to have access to the Predator's high ground.
    • Make a diverse map. Have a mix between open space and enclosed areas.
    • EVERY SPACE MUST HAVE A WEAKNESS!! Don't have a spot that people goto EVERY time.
    • Although this is optional, try placing a flare (never respawns) on the predator's spawn. This way he gets one, and only one, flare to try and strategically use when he's in a tough spot.
    I thinks that's it. I'll add more as I think of them.

    For the excellent maps, your map will be posted on my File Share. I may also create a gamertag for only Predator maps and post the best maps on it's full-sized File Share. Me and my ranking team (Forge Nitpickers) will rank every map (as long as it isn't bs) and post them on this thread with their rank (from 1-10).

    Good luck and thanks for supporting my cause!
    #1 nealsaviking, Oct 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  2. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I love predator maps too. I'm suprised how often this gametype can just litterally scare the living **** out of me. If I have some time this weekend, I will definetely attempt to build one, and if its good, I will ask for some I think I might be interested though. Nice idea.

  3. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    I made a few maps like that!
    If you want them you will have to play with me on xbox because I have been banned from Fileshare!
  4. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I was banned to. I have no idea why. I'm getting it worked out with Bungie as I type. But it's not a major concern until I get my 360 back from microsoft (I got red rings:irritated:). I do, however, get limited time from when I goto my friend's house.
  5. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    well i recently made this one but i do not have screenshots for it yet but it follows all the rules and is fun to play on.
  6. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I have it set to download but I need to get on then I'll test it out and get back to you. Feel free to add me on xbox live
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    whats your GT?
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    nealsaviking. the symbol should be redskins
  9. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    Ill do one right now, be back with it

  10. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Well I'm hoping to get my xbox back soon from repairs so I'm looking forward to testing all these maps out.
  11. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I'm currently working on a map on the Pit. Of course this is ridiculously hard cause not only is the Pit such an open, connected map, but it's resources are also extremely limited. So far the resources have presented the most challenge. I have managed to block paths off to change the map completely. Also, I am incorporating my newer flare idea for the Predator. Since the map is so limited, me and my friend agreed that the only way to make it fair is to give the humans a head start. The predator starts out "imprisoned" for 60 seconds. Look for it cause it'll probably be out before xmas.

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