Hello Everyone this is my first map post i've done on Forgehub and i have a pretty good idea of what to do so here it goes Backstory: A Group of Self-Loving journalists venture into a closed down factory to get a story on the real reason 200 workers never left the factory 10 years ago. They enter the room thinking of nothing but a few human bones, well their wrong on that one my friends. Flesh Eating Zombie humans (or FEZH for short) infected by an unknown alien source are hungry for their favourite food, Flesh Pie! your job is to make your way to the refuge point by either mongoose or walking each way has obstacles and of course the FEZH. recommended players : 6-16 Weapons list: *barrels means that they are in the piles of barrels where humans and elites died Assault Rifle x2 30 second respawn Smg x2 20 second respawn Magnum x1 (barrels) 30 second respawn Plasma Rifle x1 (barrels) 30 second respawn Brute Shot x1 120 second respawn Covenant Carbine x1 45 second respawn Machine Gun turrets x2 120 respawn Sniper Rifle x1 (Barrels) no respawn About the barrel weapons: The barrel weapons are hard to get and will raise the risk of getting infected and only should be picked up if no zombies are around Why no interlocking: I didnt put any interlocking in because i wanted to stay with the story which was a refuge point which the workers wouldnt have taken their time on doing it nicely they would've done it quickly NOW TO THE PICS: Zombie Spawn Human Spawn Mongeese next to human spawn Ramp and Barrel for drivers Walkers Path And Finally The Creator: Sav3 Us222 (me) Download map: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details P.S This is the same name for the aliens in another one of my maps that im making and will be uploaded depending on how good people think this map is. It Will be a sequel and follow the same story except on ghost town EDIT: i will also be hosting a few custom games with the gametype and map on the 27th of October at 4:00 p.m (GMT +11) just send a friend request if u would like to play and i'll invite u when im ready. My Gamertag is Sav3 Us222. also the Barrels where put there so that the drivers would be slowed down giving the zombies a chance to kill them not because i felt like it
It seems as though this map is a little open and is a little simple: A bridge, some walls, a telleporter, a pile of barrels and a box. Try using this interlocking guide to help you.
like i said the reason i didnt do any interlocking was because i wanted to stay with the story which was putting up defences which wasnt something they had time to do because the aliens attacked
I defended my map too when someone said it was sloppy and that I should interlock it, but to get more DLs, you really need to tidy the map up. It's pretty basic too, judging by the pics. Seems as though you can get up onto the ceiling ledge from where the teleoprter is. Post some more pics and people should appreciate the map more.
Ok i'll make a version 2 with this map with interlocking and so that the zombies cant get on the ledge and less open. i'll get people to test aswell By the way the reason i was defending it was because they obviously didnt read the whole post and i wrote why i didnt interlock. i know how to interlock but i chose not to for this map for the reason i've said like 3 times now. but anyway ill begin the V2 soon and if that gets good reviews i'll make my sequel
while i understand your reasoning for no interlocking, there is such a thing as "intentionally sloppy interlocking" this actually provides a better feeling of being quick and shoddy, becuase you can bassically shape boxes to look funny and off track. also, i dont really get a feeling of a refuge camp from the pictures. looks more like a hallway and a ramp
okay i no u have been getting attacked ^^^ but i will try and be rational... the maps idea is great a base to stop an attack from zombies... the layout is far too simple instead of just interlocking in v.2 give it a whole new layout... with maybe a small bunker that has min. weapons... and then a sort of open type battle fields where the further u go the better they get to increase the risk... this may involve geomerging too... but it would be worth it make us feel like u spent time on it... i like the junmp into barrels IDEA its like a ball house but it wasnt well carried out... thats bout all i had to say hope this has inspired u and sorry if u feel i was ATTACKING u
Thanks man u werent attacking me lol but i like ur advice i actually started a V2 last week and will be up in a few weeks or so just gotta fix up my interlocking and it will be good tho im making a forum for help so if anyone wants to help i would be greatful for it
Yeah, It is pretty good for A FIRst map, but you should really try a little harder to make it more.. aesthetically pleasing. If you could get some more pics that show overall views of the map, I might DL... If you are going to post a map on forgehub, try putting more zing.. Also, Congratulations on your first post, Happy forging
Maybe you need to Interlock some of the walls. And btw Zombies + Mongooses = suck I really dont know how it is now and I can't really tell much from you're post, maybe more pics? I'll DL and let you know.
Thanks Everyone for your thoughts on what to do to improve on the map. I've Decided to can Horror Factory and bring in a new zombie map codenamed college frats (not certain for a name yet ) it will be similar to horror factory yet less open and with nice aesthetics. so in a few weeks or possibly a month i will post it and see how it goes after i make the map to the best of my ability