Haha first of all I'd like to say that this post made me laugh aloud; literally. Good job on that. Map-wise, it looks really cool. The bowls are a really interesting idea. The layout, from looking at the first picture looks awesome. Due to lack of an xbox for the next month, all I can do is look at the pictures and visualize the gameplay, and trust me, I am having a blast! lol but seriously, I can't wait to get my box back so I can download this. It looks like it hosts some epic multi flag. Great job.
Thanks for all the compliments so far. I'm looking forward to any feedback you have. The map is made up of five bowls, two walled off areas that lead to the flags, the walkway and room underneath, and two small platforms on the map's edges holding Sniper Rifles. And yeah, most maps are too cramped for Ghosts and such. That's actually pretty much why I made this map, there seems to be a severe lack of vehicle based maps on forgehub, stuff built from the ground up with vehicular combat in mind. The first pic is the underside of the level, I just flew down below it and took a picture. Don't be confused by my needlessly complicated map introduction, the map is competitive, games won't just turn into crazy Ghostfests. Yeah, each team gets a Grav Hammer, good defense against Ghosts, and a great way to knock opponent's off the map's many cliffs. I'm glad you enjoyed the map introduction. And I'm pretty happy with the layout as well. It allows the Ghosts to move continuously throughout the level in a kind of figure eight, and also gives the Ghost drivers options, they're not just stuck on a set path.
I absolutely love maps above Blackout! This one looks great too. The Ghost dispenser idea is very cool. Good job interlocking. One download coming your way!
I used to make stuff on Foundry, if you look through my history you'll see an X-Wing map and a Tropical Beach map on that level. But all my good stuff has been on other maps. Foundry just seems so small sometimes, you know? I did my best to make driving on this map a unique experience. You can't just boost around like you normally would with a Ghost, it's all about controlling your speed. Once you get the hang of the jumps (which shouldn't take too long) driving around feels extremely satisfying. Yeah, Blackout is a headache. I was building right against some death barriers too. I'd be doing my thing, suddenly hit a barrier to my right and explode, then fly up to same position and hit the barrier above me. I'm pretty happy with the dispensers too. Offers a novel way of giving vehicles to players, but more importantly it keeps unused Ghosts out of the way of those driving around, and also protects any Ghosts that have recently spawned.
I was hoping to download this cause it looks awsome and the idea is great but the link is down it took a while but i found this map on bungie wahoo http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=47973197
Necro posting is a no-no guys :0) In the future you should contact the user through a PM to inform him that the link is broken. If you really want the map you can try searching his fileshare.
Fascinating concept and superior execution. The interlocking on the bowls, especially, it just fantastic. I really am enjoying the fresh feel of this map, your informative post, and the pictures that adequately show off your map. And...I'm still staring at the bowls, heh. Really good job, mate.
Wow awsome map dude. i belive this is the first time that i have seen vehicles on a flaoting map that can't fly. 5/5
Ok making a floating map is hard, but interlocking like that is impossible. (modder? jk) I've never seen a floated map with a ghost which is a very good idea. You could probably make a cool vip varient to make a race track on the same map as a competative map. This seems to be very balanced. I never like to see two beam rifles though because if two people have a beam rifle fight the winner isn't rewarded with ammo (usually) and someone can just pop up and take the beam rifle. Oh well you still have my dl.
This map is incredible. Normally I have a long download list that gets looked through every once and a while, but this just skips past the whole list and I'll download it ASAP. I would never have thought of floating vehicular combat, and never would I have imagined it this well executed.
Wow I cant believe Security77 just necro posted. As for the map, it looks very hard to make and it is amazing. This is one of the best blackout maps I have seen since Collision. Well, yeah your link is not working and I really want to play in it too. Try to fix it.
This map looks AWESOME! One of the most original maps I have seen, or at least recently. I give it a 5/5 simply because of how sweet this map looks. I'll DL this map for sure. Also, quick question, are the ghosts in the boxes just being held up by the custom? or is it something much more complex?