Edifice Quad

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LEGION, Oct 25, 2008.

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    LEGION Ancient
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    I initially designed this map with a multi-team Capture the Flag in mind. 4 teams of 3
    I created this map from start to finish and only during play testing did I realize that
    capture the flag and assault only supports 2 teams….I know….lol…….
    So…..That's when I decided to create Two variations
    Edifice: 2 teams of 6 with game types capture the flag and assault.
    Edifice Quad: 4 teams of 3 with game types Team Slayer king of the hill and odd ball (multiball)

    down load Edifice

    Edifice: (Ed"i*fice\, n.)
    An elaborate structure:, esp. one of large size or imposing appearance.
    :applied to a elegant large structure

    Edifice is a tactical squad based map for 6v6 featuring game types Capture the Flag
    and Assault (multi bomb & neutral Bomb)
    The map consists of two well defendable (symmetrical) basses on either side of the map.
    The basses consist of multiple entry ways into the base including two front entrances and a tunnel system
    that can be accessed from either side of the basses.
    Located in the center of the map is a large structure that houses the spanker in its belly.
    The structure will also lead you to a catwalk were the sniper resides.

    Battle Rifle

    Active Camo
    Bubble Shield
    Land Mine
    Deployable Shield

    down load Edifice

    This map has been brought 2 u by the Se7enth Legion and Division 69

    Some feed back would be appreciated. Thanks

    I initially designed this map with a multi-team Capture the Flag in mind. 4 teams of 3
    I created this map from start to finish and only during play testing did I realize that
    capture the flag and assault only supports 2 teams….I know….lol…….
    So…..That's when I decided to create Two variations
    Edifice: 2 teams of 6 with game types capture the flag and assault.
    Edifice Quad: 4 teams of 3 with game types Team Slayer king of the hill and odd ball (multiball)
    down load Edifice Quad
    Edifice Quad
    Edifice: (Ed"i*fice\, n.)
    An elaborate structure:, esp. one of large size or imposing appearance.
    :applied to a elegant large structure

    Edifice Quad is a multi squad based map for 3v3v3v3 featuring game types Team Slayer
    King Of The Hill and Odd Ball (multi ball/2 sculls in play)
    The map consists of four (symmetrical) basses located at all four corners of the map.
    The basses consist of multiple entry ways into the base including one front entrances and a tunnel system
    that can be accessed from one side of the basses.
    Located in the center of the map is a large structure that houses the spanker in its belly.
    The structure will also lead you to a catwalk were the sniper resides.

    Battle Rifle

    Active Camo
    Bubble Shield
    Land Mine
    Deployable Shield

    This map has been brought 2 u by the Se7enth Legion and Division 69

    down load Edifice Quad

    Some feed back would be appreciated. Thanks
    #1 LEGION, Oct 25, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    these maps both look really good i wish it looked cleaner tho... im sure it is i mean like bridges and walls and boxes and teles and oves and all of this pretty side and ugly side of the box give it a BLAH look.... if u no what i mean... but the game play looks great... i guess it is mainly how the boxes are all at funny angles like rocks instead of one 30 degree angle everywhere that kinda gets me im a visual guy if u didnt notice... lol but it looks like it would play really well and i hope i can play on it soon as far as layout goes 6/5 but im sure u nvr will but my advice is to (somehow) clean it up a little only thing that seprates this from alot of the best maps... nice job 5/5 neways... :D
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Thats definitely a nicely set up post with the emblem on every picture.

    Map looks very fun, I see you kind of over did it with aesthetics but im sure from the very advanced layout that this map is very fun

    Nice job

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya im not into the whole 30 degree angle my maps will always be diffrent
    thanks for the great comments and score i hope u have a great time on it

    overboard on aesthetics ...lol....i take that as a complement

    have fun guys
  5. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    i love the stucture in the middle! it's an interesting shape that just looks cool, and it was nicely interlocked and geo merged. The rocket spawn (and oddball sapwn) is really cool too. looks epic. gameplay would be intense i would imagine. 5/5! nice work, keep it up!
  6. mista bob101

    mista bob101 Ancient
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    the layout, i have to admit, looks amazing. all of these bases are great and look like they can be pretty easily defended which i like. however, aesthetics dont look that great. of course thats because i like things either vertical or horizontal. but the gameplay looks amazing. you got a download from me for sure.

    EDIT: is there a gametype for this map? or does it work with the default KoTH and oddball?
    #6 mista bob101, Oct 25, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  7. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Wassup Legion, glad to see this finished. Sorry about the 4 way CTF bummer at H3Customs :p. This is a really solid map, very unique, although I'm not a big fan of too many features for aesthetic purposes only.

    LEGION Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks! i put a lot a work into this one and as far as gameplay
    u tell me after u play a few

    sometime u have to think outside the box


    on koth u can set the hils to be random or in order i set it for both

    odd ball i suggest u set it up for multi ball because there r four teams
    the map is set up eather way

    regarding Edifice
  9. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Legion.....Is this on MMG yet cause it scared me...

    Anyway it looks like a great map, im going to Download after i eat. Good job, I love the centerpiece, it looks so good i cant explain it. Anyway you got my download. 5/5
  10. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    The techniques incorporated in your map have truely inspired me, and most likely others.
    The map is tad bit on the sloppy side, but other than that I think it is extremely intriguing.

    Good job, 4/5
  11. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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  12. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    oh wow this map is amazing, great job! there is a lot of cool features on the map too my favourite being the bases, i dont know why but i think it is because of the way they are made. also the layout of the map is pretty good too. one thing you should fix though is how there is only a few ways into the base and they are pretty small ways too.

    okay the second map doesnt look just as good as the first but to be honest i think they will play out better. the coolest feature about this one though is how it looks like a big symmetrical mess that looks really smooth and and is very symmetrical (i mean that in a good way). there is an easy way to fix a small bit of this map and that is to put either teleporters or weapon holders on top of the barriers just so that they dont fall over, unless you like it that way.
  13. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    Thanks man i love the basses to they came out just how i wanted them

    ok so.........first of i origanly designed this map as a 3v3v3v3 ctf.....so keeping that in mind.....my thoughts were that two people would go out and try to get a flag well one stayed in and defended so i wanted to make it possible for that one defender to hold them off thats were the land mine comes into play does that make since........

    now that 3v3v3v3 ctf does not apply on Edifice "quad" is only set for OddBall KOTH and Team Slayer and all three of those gametype generally take place out in the open

    now ask that same quistion on "Edifice" and there is actully 4 point of entry per base

    yes i actully like it that way i wish there was a option to make the walls destrctible lol
  14. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, this is really sick! Some spots are pretty bumpy, due to interlocking problems, however it doesn't effect gameplay at all! (it might be affect, idk..) The only problem mainly is the bases are bunkers = Flag campers and nade spamming (Hard to escape in such tight area I thought.) I am definately keeping this map in my Map Collection for a long time.
  15. power7762

    power7762 Ancient
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    I thought your interlocking is amazing! This looks like a great competitive map! I give it a 5/5!
  16. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Contrary to those who disliked the haphazard nature of your geometry, I find it refreshing, clever, and original. Two things that especially impressed me were the edifice itself (the design and paths to the top of it) and the base (I'm a sucker for creating windows using interlocking). The rest of the map was almost equally awesome/amazing, though.

    Really well done; I'll even go so far to as to predict a feature (don't hold me to that, I'm just useless Retired Old Fogey Guy). Keep up the original work!
  17. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow this is a one of a kind and looks veary fun i've never seen any thing like this before ever and i think this might get featured
  18. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    thanks guys for all the great comments and suggestion
  19. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Well, i have to say first of all that your bases are amazingly complex and interlocked very well. i love the two bases as well as the center structure. it would look like a very fun KotH map, as well as slayer. I loved High Treason so this just makes me like your maps even more. Im gonna have to check it out and get back to you, but from what i can see from the pics it is about a 4.5/5
  20. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    im glad to here u liked High Treason. that one didint go over to well in this forum lol

    KOTH is my fav on this map exspecially when u have 4 teams of three going at it

    its a great time

    i hope u have as much fun on this map as i did making it

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