I discovered a new trick and I apologize ahead of time if it's already been known/posted. So far I've only tried this trick with Fusion Coils. The trick its self makes them indestructible. Unfortunately it requires that one person holds a fusion coil for the entire time. There is possibly other solutions so if you like the idea and find something new let me know All this requires only 1 player to work but a second player will need to be there to use weapons. It will make sense in a bit: - To start, make some fusion coils. You can make as many as you want but start with a small number to try it out. Have them all close together so you can destroy them all at the same time. - Set all of them to Never Respawn. - Make one more Fusion Coil and keep it well away from the others you made earlier. Keep this one at it's default settings. While here, set the Minimum Run Time to it's highest. - Destroy the first fusion coils you made. They should not come back. - Turn into a Spartan and go to the now lone Fusion coil. Push it away from it's spawn point so another Coil spawns. Keep repeating this until all the Fusion coils you made are now on the map. You'll know if it worked because changing settings on one Coil changes them all. - Once the last Fusion coil is on the map, Delete it. If it worked right you will not be able to access the menu of any other coil currently on the map. These are what I like to call "Soulless Items". (Note: You can also delete the spawn pointer) - Next step is to create a new Fusion Coil. You'll have to fix the Minimum Run Time again because of the last one you deleted. - If you are still on par with all of this you should be able to access the menu of all the fusion coils. Grab any one of them except the last Coil you made. - Once grabbed, the last one you made should instantly appear above the one you grabbed. It will also act like you actually grabbed it. Don't drop it! Instead pull it out of the way. - Interestingly all the other Fusion Coils will lose gravity. At this time Player 2 can fire away at indestructible Fusion Coils. They will fly around weightless. - If player 1 drops the fusion coil all the others will almost be back to normal. So if they are in the air, they'll fall. If they didn't explode they will be in another form of a "Soulless Item". And you won't be able to select it. What does this actually accomplish? Who knows. Use your imagination. Maybe more can come of this. I just wanted to share. I will answer any question if it's confusing. If this is already known, well at least I tried
this used to happen to me quite often, and i always wondered what made it happen and how. Now I know how to avoid it. Thanks for the topic!
I applied this same method to a Scorpion. The result in this video: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17895718